Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday - what a debarcle!!

I had all intentions of going to the Rocklea Markets and having breaky there with Ben and the kids, but I tell you what, it's almost impossible to get these buggers ready in the morning! Considering I was awake with Dom at 6.30am - I should have just woken Ben and got him to mind the kids and went by myself.

Anyway we finally got to the markets (at about 8.45am) and got the fruit and veges and when we were leaving this guy came up to us in the carpark and told us we should get our back tyre checked (as it was practically flat!). Luckily there was a garage across the road and all the tyres needed pumping up.

Then (I can't believe this!) we were driving along the Freeway through the city and the passenger in the car in front of us hung his head out of the window and started throwing up!!! How bl**dy disgusting!! Amazingly I didn't really get much on my car!!

Then I had to get the kids ready to go to Shaelie's birthday. Now you would think that Kenzie would want to get ready to go to a birthday party - but NO - she dawdles and mucks up and I almost called Liz to tell her we weren't coming.

I don't understand why Kenzie does this!! And of course, Dom now copies her which just infuriates me (not at Dom but Kenz)!!

Ben had a wedding down at the Versace on the Gold Coast, so he left just after we did.

Anyway we got ready and went to Shaelie's 6th birthday at a park at Ferny Grove and it was a nice afternoon.

We left at 4pm just as a storm was starting to brew.

Got home and it started to pour!! Absolutely torrential! I hope Craig and Liz managed to pack up the party in time before the rain started!!

Ben didn't get home until 7.30pm - his bride was late - and considering it was only meant to be a 2 hour photo shoot, it sort of stuffed things up a bit!!

I did about 2 hours worth of scrapbooking too!

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