Thursday, May 15, 2008

Photography Assessment

Mum and Dad came up from the coast this morning to look after Dom while I went to my course. It was great that they got here at 7.30am, because Kenz got to see them and they walked to school with us too!

Today I had to hand in my 6 close up photos at my photography course. I was quite nervous / concerned about it because I just didn't know what to expect, how good all the other photos would be and if I was on the right track.

The worse part was that we had to put all our photos out on the desk (and there's 3 of us at a table) and then everyone got to walk around and have a look at everyone's!!!!

Then the teacher came around and said - I would have cropped that, that's a bit out of focus, that's good but I would have blurred the background as it's a bit distracting etc etc. Of course our table was the last ones to be looked at!!

Well I must have been on the right track because I got a Brilliant, that's great for my fence paling photo, he loved how it had the texture of the fence, the shadows on it and that the background was dark and you weren't distracted by the background.

He also really liked my sandy beach photo and the rust on the Maheno shipwreck. He liked the 2 others but just said to focus it off centre etc and the last one (which I hated anyway) he wasn't fussed with that one.

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