Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Dom decided to wake at 5.30am again but Ben put him back to bed (as I refused to wake up early this morning!).

Ben and the kids woke me at 7.30am so it was nice to have a sleep in. Kenzie gave me her presents she bought from school - some earrings, wine glass decorations and a hair comb. I had already received the car cooler and Dom also gave me a lovely terracotta pot with a little seedling in it - so I hope I don't kill it and I manage to see what the plant is!! :o)

We didn't go to Minden unfortunately as Rod called at 9am to say Mary had a middle ear infection and was too sick.

So we stayed home with NO idea what to do as so many places were booked out and usually packed on Mother's Day (like Southbank).

Finally we went out to Samford for a drive and went to the Lyell deer farm out there. The kids loved feeding the deer and Ben and I had venison pie for lunch.

Came home and I had to take more photos for my photography assignment - as I thought I only needed 1 photo but I needed 6!!! There's not much to shoot in our backyard, but hopefully they'll turn out ok.

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