Friday, May 30, 2008

Another Busy Friday

rush, rush, rush....

Took Kenz to school, still didn't make it to the gym, went grocery shopping with Dom, came home, had lunch, went to McKenzie's Grade 2 Assembly at 1pm. I recorded that on DVD for her - it was their "Are We There Yet" theme and they went travelling all around Australia and told us what they saw and did in different parts of the country.

Rushed home so Ben could go to the photography awards. Then I went back to school at 3pm to pick up Kenz and home again.

Then at 4.15pm I had to go up to the school (yet again) to see McKenzie's teacher for her parent/teacher interview.

McKenzie is doing ok at school, but her teacher said a 15 minute appointment wasn't going to be long enough and I'll have to go see her again in a week or two.

She said McKenzie really aims to please, is trying hard and just needs a little bit of help on some things. But her reading has improved and she has more confidence in her maths, which is good,
since she's going to maths tutors.

Then we came home, had dinner and Ben came home from the photography show. I cooked a really nice beef stroganoff for dinner.

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