Thursday, May 22, 2008

Photography today

I took Dom to child care and Kenz to school this morning and then raced into town to go to my photography course. It's starting to get better as people are actually starting to talk to you now which is good. Today was interesting because we learnt about composition and how to "set up" a photo. We over heard our next assignment will be on Reflections.

I'm still struggling with my Symbolism assessment which is due in a week. Need to take photos of symbols of wealth, power and patriotism.

I think I have enough patriotism photos. Wealth - I've borrowed Monopoly from Stella at work and I'll take some photos of that and Power - I'm really stuck on. I have the one of power lines (which is ok) but I need something else....

After the course I met up with Steph in town for lunch as it's her 2nd last week of work before she goes on maternity leave. We go to this great little pizza place in town - the cafe itself isn't anything flash, but the pizzas are really nice!

Then I had about 20 minutes before my train came, so I went looking for some boots for my birthday. I've had my last pair for about 5 years (if not more) and the heels are broken, so it's time for a new pair!

I went to Novo in town and found a pair that were so comfy I couldn't resist them! So at least I have a birthday present from Ben and the kids.

I feel like I'm coming down with something - getting very sniffly and very tired.

I picked up Dommy from child care and Ben picked up Kenz. Then I took both kids to Numberworks for Kenz to do her maths tutoring. I took Dom to play in the park across the road whilst Kenz was in her class. She got 100% again with her maths which is great - that's 2 weeks in a row now!!

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