Thursday, May 8, 2008

Full on Thursday

Dom woke me up at 5.15am this morning - I wasn't impressed!

Ben went to his usual photography breakfast meeting.

I dropped Dom to child care (even though it's not his usual day) and then dropped Kenz off to school and then raced into town to go to my photography course.

The course is good and we're learning a lot of technical stuff but I think everyone is getting itchy feet because we all want to take photos and we don't get the chance to do so in class.

I came home about 1pm and felt quite light headed - probably didn't help being woken up so early and then rushing around that I only had toast for breakfast.

I then raced out to go grocery shopping (the last thing I felt like doing) and then came home, unpacked and then had to pick up Kenz from school.

She had a quick bite to eat and then we went to her math tutoring at Chermside.

I spoke to Rod and Mary and we've arranged to go to Minden on Sunday for Mother's Day.

Ben picked up Dommy from childcare.

Came home from Numberworks (tutors) and then had to do the dinners, baths etc. I did some sorting of washing etc.

What a busy day - doesn't help when I have a middle ear infection too!

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