Tuesday, September 30, 2008

McKenzie had an accident at Vacation Care

I got an email from Ben saying that Vac Care had phoned him and said that Kenz had had an accident and she may have broken her foot! So of course I was all panic stations at work. Ben phoned me when he got her home and said that she hasn't got a broken foot and that she had been doing cartwheels on the veranda and snacked her foot into the drink troughs.

Apparently when they had phoned Ben they actually told him that they should she needed stitches and had broken her foot - he missed that part out (about the stitches).

but thankfully it wasn't that bad after all.

Then Ben dragged her out and went and picked up MY NEW CAMERA - a Canon EOS 40D!! I had a quick look at the camera tonight, but the first time I'll get to use it will be on Friday when I'm helping Trudy shoot a wedding.

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