Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heading down the coast

Today we caught up with Mum and Dad down the coast for Dad's (and Nanna's) birthdays.

We had a great spot on the Broadwater and everyone showed up which was great.

There were us 4, Mum and Dad, Nanna, Roshy & Andy and Rich, Beck, Bree and Zac.

A big pirate party set up near us (it was a kids party but all the adults were dressed up to) and they hogged the bbqs (that Dad had actually come down earlier and scrubbed clean) so we all packed up and moved to another spot - that was a task and a half!!

I took some snaps on my Olympus camera, but I might wait and see what photos Beck took as she took her good camera, first.

Then we got home about 3.30pm and then took Oscar for a big walk.

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