Friday, September 12, 2008

My legs are killing!

I knew I'd be sore today after the gym yesterday, but I'm really really sore. The kids sat on my lap and I had to get them off as my quads were screaming in pain. Ok note to self - GO TO THE GYM MORE!!

So Friday - took Kenz to school, came home and tidied up, and just felt tired and didn't want to do anything. Dommy and I went to the post office and came back and I started drafting up my first photography newsletter...I'll see if I can attach it. So hopefully that can generate some interest, even if friends forward it onto someone else they know - so we'll see how it goes.

Ben had a wedding on up at Noosa.

Actually Kenz drove me crazy after school today, very cheeky, smart alecky and very difficult to handle - I wasn't impressed with her at all and to top it off she left her glasses at school and she needs them for the Optometrist tomorrow!!

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