Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October already - not happy Jan (about work)!

Wow where has the year gone!????

I got called into a meeting with my boss and the HR Manager today - knew it couldn't be good news!

Anyway to cut a long story short - apparently Special Counsel (I sit outside of his office) has been cracking about not having a secretary as his is still on level 20 (so Jenny and myself help him out when we can), his secretary (on 20) has been cracking about doing his work on 2 floors, and apparently one or both of them are about to blow - so to keep THEM happy, they've decided that she will work on level 13 and Myself and Angela are now moving up to her group!! There was no choice - their minds had been made up..

I have mixed emotions about it - I sort of feel like they're pushing me out, and since most of our group doesn't want her down on 13 anyway, why should they keep her happy and upset about 8 of us!!

But then again I will be working for a partner, a senior associate (who I don't really care for as she's a nasty peice of work) and a solicitor. Plus I will be working with Stella which is great.

I just don't know....will have to see how it goes Monday week.

Anyway Ben had a better day - he went down to Ormeau with a bunch of photographers for Ian's 40th birthday, and they did the WRX Rally drive experience. Ben said it was excellent!

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