Saturday, March 1, 2008

Is it March already??!!!!

Can't believe it's March - times flies when you're having fun.

This morning was gymnastics and the gym and then to the fruit shop. Just had some time at home and then I dropped Kenz off to a birthday party at a cooking school. Kenz had a brilliant time.

Here's a photo or two..

The girls made cupcakes (and decorated them) and also made pizza!

Then we raced home, and went to Craig and Denise's place for a bbq - Craig and Denise live in the next street. We had a great night (and their 3 daughters kept Kenz and Dom entertained - or should I say Kenz and Dom kept their 9, 12 and 15 year olds entertained!!!! We walked home at about 10pm.

The kids crashed and I went to bed soon after.

Ben came upstairs at 11.30pm asking if I had heard all of the screaming - which I didn't because I was sound asleep.

But apparently the people directly across the road from us were having a domestic and she was screaming her head off and he was pinning her down (as Ben raced outside to see what the hell was happening) and he ended up calling the cops. 000 could even here her screaming and then he was screaming that she was trying to stab him!!

The police were here in about 2 minutes and then Ben came back inside once they arrived. So we're not sure what happened in the end.

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