Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Minden Get together

This morning we all slept in until after 7am which was wonderful!! Went and voted.

Ben had a wedding on and I took the kids up to Ben's parents' place at Minden to spend the day with them.

Tracey and Tony were up from Melbourne, Bronny and Gabriele were down from Townsville, Matt, Michelle and Levi came up too. Ben's Uncle and Aunt were also there and Ross's parents also came up. Plus Ken and Adrienne - so it was a full house!!

At lunch we were drinking Pina colada's and Tony started playing the piano (and it was great to see Mary joining in too). Then Tony played the guitar and then the Didgeeradoo with Ross' dad! So it was a very musical afternoon.

Kenz started to get an ear infection and was in a lot of pain.

I called Ben at 6pm as he was finishing his wedding, and he was feeling ok, so he drove up and also brought up some ear drops for Kenz.

We left at 9pm and got home at 10pm and pretty much crashed for the night!

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