Friday, March 7, 2008

Kate's 40th Birthday

Happy Birthday Kate, hope you have a great day.

A bit more racing around this morning.

The school drop off, then I picked up some pants that Ben had altered, went to Crazy Clarks and bought a Slow Cooker (I've never had one and people swear by them) so I'm hoping to use it on days that I work, so we can have decent dinners on the days I work.

I also bought some more stuff for our camping trip.

Afterwards we went to Brookside (and I specifically went here to go to Medicare, but of course I forgot my form/receipt) so I'll have to go again.

Spoke to Liz around lunch time.

Dom and I did the grocery shopping and the poor kid, we were half way through and his nappy leaped (wet only thankfully) so I had to stop shopping, pay for what I had and then take Dom to get changed. We went home after that.

Then Dominic had his swimming lesson (he's missed the last 2) but he really enjoyed his class.

Raced off to school to pick Kenz up and then I went out and finished the rest of our grocery shopping.

We just had a quick dinner and Dom was asleep just after 6.30pm (since he didn't sleep all day).

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