Saturday, March 29, 2008

The next couple of days....

Tuesday and Wednesday Ben and I just worked, Kenz went to school and Dom went to child care.

Thursday I went to the gym, took Dominic to do a make up swimming class and then we met Lise and her lovely kids (Meghan and Henry) at the EP Hotel for lunch. It's always nice to catch up. Lise gave me all of these pots that I can use at the Plant Stall at the fete.

I think the name "Seedy Sunday" sounds great for the plant stall, especially since the fete will be on a Sunday!

After school I met up with McKenzie's teacher and she showed me the work they are doing at the moment and gave me some maths activity sheets and she said she'd check McKenzie's writing and reading - well actually she said her writing needs to pick up speed (not sure how) and I asked for more reading books so Kenz can practice me. I'm so glad Mrs B is so understanding and willing to help her out!

Friday was Lynee's birthday - hope you had a lovely Birthday Lyn. Hope to catch up with you soon!!

Then I took McKenzie to Numberworks N Words - they are maths and english tutors to have an assessment of her work as she needs a bit of help. Actually I think McKenzie is very capable of doing her homework, her problem is that she doesn't want to do it!!

So anyway, she did really well in her sight words, she needs to improve her handwriting and try get some speed into it as she's writing a bit slow and then missing everything and she needs help with her maths. So I've signed her up to get her started with her tutoring. They've made her appointment next week for 2 hours - 1 hour of maths and 1 hour of english - I think that will be too much for her - especially after school - but we'll see how she goes.

Saturday McKenzie went to her last gymnastics class as she has decided she doesn't want to do it any more. Which is a shame, and quite strange, as Kenz is now forever doing cartwheels and somersaults in the lounge - and she has even taught Dom how to do a somersault!!

We caught up with Kristy and Adrian at the Samford Pub. It's a great place and they have a fabulous playground for the kids so it keeps everyone happy!

When we were leaving Samford we saw that the Rodeo was on at 6pm, so we went home for a couple of hours, and turned around and went back to Samford to show the kids the rodeo. We found some seats at 6pm and we actually sat in front of Zoe from school (she's in McKenzie's class) so it was good to have a chat to Zoe's family.

Poor Dom wasn't so sure about the bucking horses and bulls (especially since he just rode his first horse the other week), so we tried to explain that was their job. Poor kid.

It got really cold at Samford - the kids were rugged up but Ben and I weren't - geez it was cold.

We got home about 8.30pm (we left early) and got home in the dark as it was Earth Hour. We ended up with one light on as it's really hard to put kids to bed in the dark!

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