Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Not a lot happening today.

I picked Dom up from child care and the girls (staff) have been so nice and said they'll miss Dom when he finishes up at child care tomorrow. I'm really hoping I've made the right decision to move him to another child care centre! The new place is the same price but they provide the children with 3 meals a day (m/tea, a cooked lunch and afternoon tea). That will make the nights a bit easier with just having to prepare food for Kenz.

I had my first attempt at making Shortbread for Dominic's child care tomorrow - it turned out ok, but not very tasty (flour, caster suger and butter). I asked Dena (as she's the cooking queen) and she said to try it with icing sugar! So next time I'll do that and see how they work out. I'm sure the kids won't mind.

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