Thursday, March 13, 2008


Woken up early (by Dom) - he seems to like waking at 5.45am lately (he was waking up at 5.15am, so I'm glad he's getting up a bit later now).

Decided to make a chocolate cake as we have Rod, Mary, Bronny and Gabriele coming over this morning.

They all arrived around 8.20am and Kenz got to quickly seem them before I had to take her to school. I only got to spend another 20 minutes with them, as Dominic had a swimming class. Whilst they were here, I gave Gabriele her first birthday present (it's only a month early, but I thought it was safer than posting it to Townsville). We gave her a beautiful little gold bracelet - which I must get a photo of! I got photos of her eating the wrapping paper, but not of the bracelet - silly!

Raced Dom off to swimming and then we popped into his new child care centre at Everton Park. I think they'll be ok. It's very hard comparing a newly built centre (which he was in) to a centre that is probably 20 or so years old. But the staff all seemed nice and they had a great pre-kindy newsletter explaining what their goals are with the children, and also mentioned they'd be having an Easter bonnet parade next Thursday (except Dom won't be there as we're going camping), they're going to have a pj party and the baby farm animals are coming next month.

Then we came back home and had morning tea (the chocolate cake I made) as everyone had left and no one had any cake.

Then Dom and I went grocery shopping and he was so tired from swimming that he fell asleep in the shopping trolley!! Swimming must have worn him out!

Came home, unpacked, had lunch and then Dom Ben and I all had a little snooze - as Ben is getting his flu back again - he sounds dreadful today.

I picked up Kenz from school - and she was the first grade 2er to come up to the parents - that's the first time ever - normally she's one of the last ones to come up to the meeting spot!

Then I took Kenz to get her hair cut. She got it cut into a short bob just above her shoulders and it looks so much better!!

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