Thursday, March 6, 2008

Racing around

Tuesday and Wednesday was pretty non eventful (besides my bridesmaid news which is exciting) and Ben has the flu and he thinks he is dying.

Today was fairly busy.

We dropped Kenz off to school and then Dom and I went to the gym. Came home and then we finally went to the Home Show. Our friend Helen from HG Unique Spaces had a stand at the show, so she got us in for free and Ben took some photos of her amazing stand. I could see Ben was feeling pretty crappy, so I took the camera and started taking photos myself. I think they turned out pretty well actually!!! Once Ben gets to download them, I'll post a couple of my favourites up.

I've been thinking about doing a photography course lately and I think after this, I'd seriously like to do photography. I'd LOVE to take photos of interior decorating, furniture and houses!!!

Then we came home and I went up to the school to talk to Kenzie's grade 2 teacher, to see how she is going. Kenz is doing ok, finding a few things a bit tricky (like counting in 10s) but her teacher gave me some paddle pop sticks and said she could practice at home with them - so I think she'll get the hang of it soon!

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