Sunday, January 13, 2008

The mad clean

I spent 2.5 hours cleaning out McKenzie's bedroom and wardrobe. I got rid of clothes, crappy little toys (like the little things you get from Maccas), put things in containers and labelled the containers. I've attached a photo of her new white butterfly bed and quilt.

I ended up giving away a bag full of clothes and 3 bags of toys to Lifeline.

Then we caught up with Kristy and Adrian and the kids for 3 hours, which was great! It's so nice to catch up with them. Kristy gave the kids lovely Christmas presents.

We came home just after 6pm and took Oscar for a walk.

Tonight I listed our dining table and display cabinet on ebay - I already have 2 people watching the dining table and they've already put a bid in.

Ok, I'm off to bed now - it's 11.20pm!

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