Friday, January 11, 2008

"I shoo fly!"

Was Dominic's funny comment at dinner tonight - but luckily Ben actually saw him shoo the fly away, otherwise we wouldn't have had a clue what he said!

This morning McKenzie's bed arrived from Freedom Furniture.

We had someone from ebay pick up some furniture.

Then I took the kids to McDonalds (yes again) to play in the indoor centre with Dena's 3 girls. The kids had a great time - they just all needed to get outside of our houses and run some steam off - since the rain has been pretty constant and keeping them indoors for ages.

Then we raced off to Dom's swimming class and he did really well.

Then we came home and pulled McKenzie's bed apart to get it into Dominic's room. The reason we did this (and not buy Dom a new bed) as he'll be going through toilet training soon and I don't mind so much if he has accidents on the old mattress.

So I set up Dom's bed with his new quilt cover - the same jungle animals as his curtains (which I bought on ebay about a year ago!) and I think it's looking pretty good.

Then I set up McKenzie's room with her new butterfly bed and the butterfly quilt cover and that looks pretty too. I need to take another photo of McKenzie's bed as the photos came out a bit blurred. I'll post that tomorrow.

Anyway, Dominic went to bed around 7am and it's now 8.35pm and he's still not asleep and won't stay in his bed. He gets out and I keep putting him back. He sneaks into McKenzie's room and lies down the other end of her bed. I don't mind that, except they start giggling and carrying on. Now they are both in Dominic's bedroom.

I think it's going to be a looooooooooooooong night!!

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