Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I joined the gym!

Finally, I bit the bullet and decided to join Healthworks. I've paid for the year so I need to make sure I got at leasts 2, if not 3 times a week!! Dena has joined as well, so hopefully we will be able to motivate each other to go. The good thing is they have a creche (child minding) so I can book Dom in for an hour whilst I'm training. (Oh when I say I joined the gym, I actually just went there, signed up, paid my membership and left).

Tomorrow at 8.30am will be my first session.

I can't get my hands on the book Fed Up by Sue Dengate (about food preservatives and food colouring) ANYWHERE! Apparently a new version of the book is coming out in February.

Ben has asked me if I can take care of (control) his Blog for his website (Ben Clark Photography) so think I might be a bit busy with that in the next couple of days getting it all ready - but I'm quite excited about being involved with the blog.

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