Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Rod and Mary

It's Ben's parents' 44th wedding anniversary today - Congratulations and like Ben said "you deserve a medal or something".

Ben had a wedding today and it was pouring rain (yes it's meant to be good luck if it rains on your wedding day - I wonder how many times they heard that today!). I had a quick look at some photos and they looked great with them walking in the city with umbrellas!

The kids and I decided to make a chocolate cake (what else do you do in wet weather?).

I've decided I'd like to join a gym - so I am looking at about 3 gyms nearby. I really like Healthworks as they have a creche there, which means I can put Dominic in for an hour, 2 days a week, and actually get to do a workout! Only thing is it's so expensive and I know what I'm like - I'll last about 3 months, get bored, tired, exhausted or just have too much on my plate - and not want to go!!!!

But I do so desperately need to get back into shape. I think I'll have to sell more stuff on ebay to pay for the membership (a LOT more stuff on ebay)!

Dominic started back at swimming lessons this afternoon and he loved it!!! I think having the week up at Rainbow Beach and swimming in the pool every day, really helped him with his confidence! He was in a class with twin sisters who were 3 and a half, and he wasn't upset about getting his face wet!

Then this afternoon, Denise from the next street over and her sister Jacqueline who is the lovely lady from Sydney who kindly took Matisse off our hands, came over for afternoon tea. It was so nice to have a cuppa and some chocolate late on the deck, listening to the rain on our tin roof and chat the afternoon away!!!

Ben didn't get home from his wedding until nearly 8pm, when we finally got to ring his parents, then he had some dinner and downloaded the wedding photos whilst McKenzie and I emptied the tv entertainment unit. I have no idea where I'm going to put the dvd's, cd's, trophies, the kids Christening presents etc as they were all displayed nicely in the cabinet. I'm going to miss it - we bought it with money from our wedding - so we've had it for just over 8 years and we worked out we have moved it 5 times!!

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