Tuesday, September 30, 2008

McKenzie had an accident at Vacation Care

I got an email from Ben saying that Vac Care had phoned him and said that Kenz had had an accident and she may have broken her foot! So of course I was all panic stations at work. Ben phoned me when he got her home and said that she hasn't got a broken foot and that she had been doing cartwheels on the veranda and snacked her foot into the drink troughs.

Apparently when they had phoned Ben they actually told him that they should she needed stitches and had broken her foot - he missed that part out (about the stitches).

but thankfully it wasn't that bad after all.

Then Ben dragged her out and went and picked up MY NEW CAMERA - a Canon EOS 40D!! I had a quick look at the camera tonight, but the first time I'll get to use it will be on Friday when I'm helping Trudy shoot a wedding.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dinner with Kent

Went to work today - nothing exciting happened - just still looking for a bridesmaid dress.

After work, Kent came over (as he's up from Melbourne) and we had pizzas on the deck. It was great to catch up with Kent and he's up here until next Monday, so hopefully we'll get to see him again at some stage.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Heading down the coast

Today we caught up with Mum and Dad down the coast for Dad's (and Nanna's) birthdays.

We had a great spot on the Broadwater and everyone showed up which was great.

There were us 4, Mum and Dad, Nanna, Roshy & Andy and Rich, Beck, Bree and Zac.

A big pirate party set up near us (it was a kids party but all the adults were dressed up to) and they hogged the bbqs (that Dad had actually come down earlier and scrubbed clean) so we all packed up and moved to another spot - that was a task and a half!!

I took some snaps on my Olympus camera, but I might wait and see what photos Beck took as she took her good camera, first.

Then we got home about 3.30pm and then took Oscar for a big walk.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Lunch at Tresona's

Today we headed up to Tresona and Aaron's place at Lowood - gorgeous countryside up there, nice and hilly!

It was great to see Tres and Aaron and actually know where they are living now.

Lyn, Steph, Sophie, Ruby (the pup), and Aaron's daughter Grace were all up there and the kids had a good time catching up.

We had a lovely lunch and it's very relaxing up there - must be the country air!!

Thanks for having us guys!

Ben had a wedding on.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dad's Birthday

And today was Dad's birthday. Dad worked with his houseboat mob and they put on a few drinks for him, so he was pretty happy about that!! We're going down the coast on Sunday to see Dad and Nanna for a BBQ in the park on the Broadwater.

This morning I met up with Angela (my cousin) and Aunty Carol, Ang's kids, Jane and her 2 boys and some other people and took the kids to see Pinocchio run by a little theatre company (they were all school kids) at Yeronga High.

It was really good - the kids did a great job! And all of our kids enjoyed it too!

I think it's great taking the kids to see something cultural as I don't think I did that as a kid, I don't think I went to a theatre production until I was probably in my late teens!!!


Afterwards we went to McDonalds for a bite to eat and for the kids to run around in the playground.

And I was actually organised and gave Dallas and Lexie their birthday presents, Dallas' birthday is in about 2 weeks, and Lexie's isn't until early December but I probably won't get to see them before then - so for once I was actually VERY ORGANISED!!!

Dom had a huge sleep afterwards as he was worn out.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nanna's Birthday

Today is Nanna's birthday - so we gave her a call in the morning. She was going out down the coast with Mum & Dad and some friends of hers. I wish Mum had said something, since it is school holidays, we could have come down.

Anyway, we ended up going to Brookside, then shopping at Aldi's and Coles - pretty boring, but we sort of needed a bit of time at home.

I took the kids to the park in the afternoon for some photos (I haven't taken photos for ages and I need the practice!). But it was a bit of a waste of time because the kids just wanted to play on the swings...

Here's some photos - nothing flash, just a bit of fun...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

School Holidays

This week has been the school holidays.

Mon-Wed I worked - nothing exciting happened at work.

Kenz went to Vacation care - they had a Cooking day, drama day and bring your bike along day.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Matt and Michelle's Farewell at Minden

This morning we went up to Minden for Matt, Michelle & Levi's farewell. They're moving to Mackay in a couple of weeks and Rod and Mary wanted to put on a nice lunch for them - which they did - 2 gorgeous roasts and veges etc - so much food (as always).

It was good too because Ben's Aunty and some cousins came up and Ben's Uncle Wally turned up as well. Matt brought up his eldest son Sean (who is 14) - he was only a 6 month old baby when I turned up on the Clark scene - so it was wonderful to see him too!!

Everyone had a great day, it was very HOT for September (it felt like Christmas day) and we wish Matt, Michelle and Levi all the very best up in Mackay - I'm sure they're going to love it!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

McDonalds Birthday party

Ben had another wedding today and I had to take McKenzie to Trinity's 7th birthday party at Maccas - it was pretty good actually - only 1 and a half hours long, and I stayed a bit longer with the kids so they could play more.

What else happened this week

Monday / Tuesday was work.

Wednesday I was sick with a tummy bug (actually it started Tuesday night) and I started to feel better by lunch time and a couple hours sleep! Wednesday night I was feeling better (thank goodness) as we had Ben and Justine's launch of their new photography business at Norman Park - so we went to that for a few hours. Dena very kindly minded the kids for us.

Thursday I went to Kenzie's class to read books with the kids and then did the usual grocery shopping etc. Picked up Kenz and went to Numberworks - her last one at Chermside.

Friday Ben had a wedding, and I raced around and paid off some layby, got Dominic's hair cut and things like that. Got home at 1.30pm and had a call from Kenzie's school saying she was sick and needed picking up. So raced to school and picked her up and she was just a bit quieter for a couple of hours and then she seemed fine after that! Matt and Emma from work came over and picked up their wedding album.

I've been cooking a few recipes from the 4 Ingredients book - great to get some easy ideas!!

and then Spiderman!!

Just some fun photos

We had a visit from the devil...

Monday, September 15, 2008


This morning we caught up with Mark and Sharon at the Arana Leagues Club for Breakfast. It was great to catch up with them, they're always good value. The kids went into the kids room for about half an hour - Dominic was meant to be 3 but I just said he was - well he's close enough - another 2 and a half months he will be 3!

Then we came home and Ben had another wedding and I just stayed home with the kids.

Dom seems to have an upset tummy so I didn't really want to go anywhere.

I started drafting my 2nd photography newsletter too.

The kids were happy to play outside and I played on the swings with them for a while too.

I'm thinking of getting a babysitter on a regular basis so the kids get used to her and then I'll be able to do my photo jobs - will have to check out some websites.

We had a terrible sleep because of Dom last night, he must have come in about 5 times (but that was because 1. he didn't eat his dinner and 2. he went to bed at 6.30pm last night!

Tonight he didn't eat his dinner again (so he's obviously not feeling very well and he put himself to bed at 6.10pm - so no doubt he's going to be awake at 5am (which I can't handle).

Ben got home about 7.15pm from the wedding.

It's 10pm now so I think I'd better get some sleep!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We went to the optometrist this morning, they said it didn't matter that Kenz didn't have her glasses and they said they've obviously made a great improvement so far! But she needs some Vision therapy - which is a 6 week program for $349!! And she might need 2-3 x 6 week programs! Her eyes don't track properly and this would help improve all of her schooling. She said she can tell McKenzie is intelligent, she just has to work really hard at everything and gets tired and gives up (which is exactly her!).

So it looks like I'll have to pull her out of Numberworks (maths tutors) now for the rest of the year - so we can afford to do this. But I think it will be worth it. Private Health Insurance doesn't cover it either. (what's the point of having it..ok don't get me started)...

Then I went to Cradle to Crayons -the 2ndhand toy and clothing shop at Arana Hills and Debbie gave me another $100 for the stroller, port a cot (which was at least 10 years old and was given to me), the little green swing, a table and chair set (which was 2nd hand when given to me) and a Little Leaps World activity thing for babies/toddlers.. I still have to take the fisher price House another time. I just didn't have enough room in the car (or time, as we were racing out of the house) as Ben had an appointment as well.

Then went to the new Bridal Shop at Arana Hills but there wasn't anything there - everything was for very formal weddings, not beach ones - so I have to keep looking....

Got home and Ben's appointment had left, so we had a quiet time at home and the kids played outside. We're thinking of buying them a cubby house for the backyard. Looking at CubbyKraft (in WA) and Aarons Outdoor at Strathpine.

Then we walked Oscar and the kids rode their bikes - big mistake - half way around the block they both started complaining of sore legs and Dom refused to ride any more and Ben had to carry him on his shoulders and I had to push his bike. So next time we go, we will all be walking!

Both kids refused to eat dinner (French Onion, Tomato, chicken and rice) so Dom too himself to bed at 6.30pm. Kenz followed shortly after.

We watched Get Smart on DVD.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My legs are killing!

I knew I'd be sore today after the gym yesterday, but I'm really really sore. The kids sat on my lap and I had to get them off as my quads were screaming in pain. Ok note to self - GO TO THE GYM MORE!!

So Friday - took Kenz to school, came home and tidied up, and just felt tired and didn't want to do anything. Dommy and I went to the post office and came back and I started drafting up my first photography newsletter...I'll see if I can attach it. So hopefully that can generate some interest, even if friends forward it onto someone else they know - so we'll see how it goes.

Ben had a wedding on up at Noosa.

Actually Kenz drove me crazy after school today, very cheeky, smart alecky and very difficult to handle - I wasn't impressed with her at all and to top it off she left her glasses at school and she needs them for the Optometrist tomorrow!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thursday again

The usual busy Thursday.

Dropped Kenz off at school, went to the gym and did my Body Pump class - my god, I haven't done it for ages and I used heavier weights to do a bit more of a work out and I'm going to be sore!!

Then Dom and I went grocery shopping, came home, had lunch and the met Aunt Aggie for Aunt Aggie's Pet Minding at Stafford. I had to take Oscar around as she was worried he may be a bit big for her back fence but he was fine. Aggie is a character and she loved Osc, so he'll be staying there for the week after Christmas. The dog costs us nearly as much in minding as what we pay in accommodation!!!

Ben picked up Kenz from school as we weren't back in time for Aggies (she likes to talk) but then I took her to Numberworks for her maths tutoring. Then Dom and I raced off to Aldi's to get a few more groceries. I have spent an absolute fortune this week on groceries - close to $300! That's just ridiculous!!

Ben had a couple of wedding appointments and put the kids to bed and then we watched Iron Man (Robert Downey Jnr) and it was an excellent movie!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

3 days of work

Off to work again for the week - thankfully I didn't have as many computer dramas this week as what I have been!

Oh I forgot to mention that I had a chat with McKenzie's teacher and she said Kenz is doing quite well and she should be ok to go to grade 3. They are giving her extra assistance with her maths and writing which is good and I think the math tutor is helping too. I also have to take her back to her optometrist on Saturday to have her glasses checked and make sure everything is ok, but we've seen an improvement since she's been using her glasses when reading.

I went to the gym Monday night and did about 45 minutes of cardio. I have 10 weeks until Rochelle's wedding, so I need to lose a couple of kgs and tone up a bit - and look for a dress too!!!

Tuesday and Wednesday nights Ben had 2 appointments each night. It's getting into the wedding silly season now - Ben has 6 weddings for September.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Due to all our family commitment sfor the month of September (ie Father's Day, Zac and Brees Birthday party, Matt and Michelle's farewell party, Nanna's birthday, Dad's birthday and Kent arriving) we had to do some juggling to fit everyone in, in some way or another as we have some conflicting dates.....so we decided to spend Father's Day just with the 4 us of, yes Ben, myself, Kenz and Dom.

We had a lovely day.

We let Ben sleep in, open his presents, then we went for a walk with Oscar (our dog) and the kids rode their bikes all the way to Brookside and the dog park. The dogs were great at the park, there was another Spoodle called Charlie there. And a Border Collie who kept rounding them up! The kids had fun with them too.

Then we walked / rode home. Poor Dom was exhausted and Ben had to push him nearly all the way home - it would be at least 3klms there and back! Dom even had his head and hands on the handle bar.

Then we went to the Ferny Grove Tavern for lunch and it was great! They have a kids play area, the kids' lunches came out early, then ours came out and we got to eat in peace!

We took the long way home (past our old house at Arana Hills - nothing has changed) and Dom fell asleep, so we all had a sleep for 2 hours - just what we all needed!!

It is also a year that I had my appendix out - 07.09.07 was my operation - wow the year has just flown!!!!

We also found out we have a possum in our back deck roof - the thing is only about 10cms thick and the little bugger is up there - and scratching away during the day!!! We'll have to get him removed!!

We also phoned my dad, and Ben's dad to wish them a Happy Father's Day too and said we'd catch up with them later in the month.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Ben had a late start wedding today (1pm) so we just all chilled at home in the morning. I actually go a chance to clean out Dom's clothing drawers and got 1 bag of good size 1 clothes and 1 bag of junk clothes cleaned out.

After Ben left the kids and I raced over to Chermside to buy Ben some new hair clippers for Father's Day.

Then we dropped into Shane and Micaela's place to drop the bag of kids' clothes off.

Dominic fell asleep on the way home and slept for about 2 hours which was nice for Kenz and I :o)

Just had dinner and sorted the kids out for bed etc.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Run around Friday

I met up with McKenzie's teacher at school this morning to discuss how she was going at school. It was all very positive so I was happy to hear that.

Then Dom and I had to run around all morning.

We went to Cradle to Crayons, a second hand kids toy and clothes shop and took some of Dominic's Fisher Price toys and his baby clothes (Pumpkin Patch etc) and Debbie gave me $100 for it, so I was happy with that! I'm going back next Saturday to sell his stroller, port a cot and some other toys. I need to sort out McKenzie's things now!

I'm just trying to make room for the kids birthdays and Christmas presents.

Then we went to Repco to buy a Father's Day present, then to Big W as I had to get a few things and pay off a layby. I've got about 8 weeks to pay it off, so that's good.

Next stop was Bunnings to buy a voucher for Father's Day.

Then home, had lunch, checked emails, Facebook etc, played with Dom and read him his new book, and then picked up Kenz from school - and here I am typing my blog!

Oh and I bought that book - 4 Ingredients - as I've wanted it for ages!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Helping out in the classroom again

This morning I went to help out in McKenzie's classroom. Luckily there were no dramas like I had last time. I had a nice little group of 4 kids.

Afterwards Dominic and I went grocery shopping and it was pouring rain.

I've got a sore throat and ear and started to get a temp around lunch time - 38.4.

Ben picked Kenz up from school (in the rain) and then I took her to Numberworks for her maths session.

Ben had drinks on at The Chalk Hotel for the Firewomen's Calendar launch / thank you to all their sponsors. He must have been there for about 20 minutes and decided it was time to come home as there weren't a lot of people there - I guess that's what happens when it starts at 5pm and people are still at work!

Spoke to Michelle and Mary about Matt and Michelle's farewell party as they're moving to Mackay.

Fell asleep by 9.15pm, guess those temps aren't helping me at all..

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another 3 days of hell at work

Really, really hate work at the moment. Just hate this new computer system.

Ben went to a photographers lunch on Monday, I was spewing I missed out!

Kenzie's kidsports got cancelled due to the Asbestos on the oval of the school.

Dominic is starting to go to the toilet more -yay, finally the toilet training idea is sinking in.

Kenzie had choir practice.

Ben had appointments on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

And it's hard to believe it's September already!!