Friday, August 29, 2008

Where has the last week gone???!!!

Well the last week has jut flown by in a blur!! I can't even remember what I was doing last weekend - oh yes I can, I was getting everything ready for me to go away for 4 and a half days to a photography seminar!

I was getting all the washing, the ironing, the lunches and everything ready so things were pretty easy for Ben whilst I was away.

Sunday morning I had to make a quick outfit for McKenzie's Book Week on Tuesday, and it was Under the Sea theme, so we raced down to Spotlight and got a few things and Kenz went as the ocean with all animals and shells on her green and white dress. Unfortunately, no photos :o(

Then Sunday afternoon I headed to Mum and Dad's place down the coast as I was staying with them, whilst I was going to August Exposure...

We went and visited Nanna and her friend that was out from WA and Rich, Beck and the kids popped around too.

Had an early night as I was nervous about going to the seminar.

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