Saturday, August 16, 2008

Oscar went to the Groomers

Had a bad night with Dom - he woke at 2am, with a temp of 38.8 degrees and wanted some milk - which he managed to throw up all over his bed! So I was cleaning that all up, Ben was snoring his head off (you know Ben isn't well when he snores!) and I finally got back into bed at 3am.

The kids woke up at 6.30am (which I wasn't happy about) and Ben had a wedding.

We took Oscar to the groomers at Eaton Hills and then we drove to Wooloowin to get his dog food (and they were shut), then back to Big W to pay off some lay by and buy the pillows I forgot to buy the other day.

then we came home, had some lunch and then got the phone call to come back and pick up Oscar.

they did a pretty good job of him (as he was a bit of a mess with matts and he stunk of smoke from camping) but they made him look like a poodle. Nothing peeves me more than people giving him a poodle cut. (but of course I didn't mention it when I dropped him off as they had people coming and going and I didn't get a chance).

Anyway I sort of said "you realise he's not a poodle" and they said "he looks like one" and I said but he's not, he's a Spoodle. The groomer, Kate, felt really bad and said it wasn't their poodle cut as they shave the nose and legs but she had given him the pom pom head - so she shaved it down a bit so it didn't look so "boofey". Other than that, it was a great length and they said he had a great manner (nothing like a poodle)!

The kids are driving me mad - especially Kenz - I've just sent them to their rooms and they're driving me mad!

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