Sunday, August 10, 2008

I have never been so cold in my life!!!!

Well Neurum Creek is great - it's just absolutely freezing!!! Saturday night at 6pm it was 4 degrees and Sunday morning it went down to -1.1 degrees - I have NEVER been so cold in my life!!! The kids were rugged up in a singlet, t-shirt, long sleeved shirt, jumper and jacket, beanie, gloves, shoes and socks to wear to bed! Then they had their sleeping bag and quilt on them and they were still cold. I could just not get warm at all - I think the camper trailer would have been about 4 degrees inside and you know it's cold when you go to bed and you're blowing steam out of your mouth!!!

We had a terrible night with Dom Friday night/Sat morning - he was screaming, crying and inconsolable from 3am until 5am Saturday morning and everyone camped around us could hear him! Dom even went around and apologised to everyone on Saturday for keeping them awake.

A little boy (about Dom's age) in the campsite up from us tripped and fell into the fire coals on Saturday morning - oh the blood curdling scream - so they had to drive him to Caboolture Hosp who couldn't help and then took him to Brisbane. He came back with bandaged up hands late Saturday afternoon - his dad said he will be ok but has to go back for treatment for the next 2 weeks -poor little kid.

The camp ground is lovely - we pretty much stayed at our camp sites (they were huge F12 and F13 are great sites) and close to the toilets. We took the kids to ride their bikes on the bmx track and we pulled up some chairs and just sat in the sun and watched them. The weather during the day was gorgeous, but it gets very cold, very quickly and because of the mountains you lose your sun around 4.30pm, so you need to have your fire going and getting dinner ready early so you can eat and then sit near the fire all night.

Saturday night it was 2 degrees at 6.30pm!

Sunday morning at about 4am Dom started crying (after we gave him some phernergan to try help him sleep) and I checked him and he was totally soaking wet. So he started crying and carrying on again because he didn't want me to undress him to change him. Once he was changed and warm again, and ended up in bed with us (and McKenzie) she came into our bed both nights because she was so cold, Dom went back to sleep. Sunday morning it was 1 degree at 7.30am.

Oscar was brilliant (and lots of dogs there). He pretty much sat around our 2 camp sites, never even looked like he'd run off, he was happy to run around with the kids and he is a great watchdog - he'd give a little bark if someone came close to our campsite - like he knew this was our area. A couple of dogs (and their owners) came over to say hello to him.

We'd definitely go there again but not in winter - it's just too extreme! I'd imagine it would get very hot in summer too.

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