Thursday, August 7, 2008

In search of Mulberry Leaves!!!!

Dropped Kenz off at school and Dom and I went to the gym. Finally I made it back to my body Pump class - which I haven't been to for about 6 weeks!

Then Dom and I went grocery shopping and I had to get all our camping food as we're going away tomorrow. (It's very tricky buying your usual weekly shop and a camping shop). We also raced to Crazy Clarks to buy Dom some gloves and a Beanie as it's going to be be cold at Neurum Creek!!

Ben was racing around returning our camping fridge / freezer that didn't work and buying a new one and taking the camper trailer to get the pole box attached to it.

Kenz came home from school with some silk worms. She apparently got 10 - last night the count was at about 28!!!

Of course we don't have a mulberry tree, but I remembered the Pet shop at Great Western having some silkworms last year, so I phoned them and Ben raced out there to buy some leaves!!

I took Kenz to Numberworks and she said she felt really sick - not sure if it was nerves, or if she didnt' want to go but she was ok when she was there.

Then just packed and got everything ready to go away - it's amazing how much stuff you have to take for 2 nights - practically just as much as if you were going for five nights!!!

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