Saturday, August 2, 2008

What the!!

We had gone to sleep and at 12.45am Ben's mobile rings. Ben didn't get to it quick enough and all that he saw was "no caller id - private no." and before it even went onto Ben's voicemail, MY mobile started ringing.

At 1am (after a few drinks) I thought the worst had happened. My heart was pounding and I answered my phoned and it was our bloody security mob that monitors our house alarm ringing to tell us that

our batteries were flat on 2 zones in the studio and needed to be replaced!!

I could have killed her - seriously who rings at that time of night and to top it off she had already phoned home and woke up Rod & Mary by leaving a message on our answering machine, had left a message on Ben's mobile and then proceeding to ring me on my mobile!!

So needless to say we will be calling them today and giving them a mouthful!!!!

We finally got back to sleep after that, and woke up at 7.30am. We checked out at 9am and met up with a group from the wedding for Breakfast at the Maleny Pub.

We got home about 11.30am to let Rod and Mary go home (probably to have a sleep since they kept getting woken during the night)!!!!

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