Monday, March 31, 2008

Show me your Parrott!!

Sunday 30th March, Shane and Micaela and the kids came over in the afternoon for drinks and nibblies on our deck. It was great to see them as the last time we just quickly popped over to their place in early January!

When Shane and Micaela were leaving the kids from 2 houses up were walking past and they had cockatiels up their jumpers and on their shoulders!! Dominic was fascinated!!! Then Dom comes out with a cracker comment - he says to the girls

SHOW ME YOUR PARROTT!! God it was so funny! Shane was killing himself laughing saying he had never heard it called that before!!

Dom is a classic, he comes out with the most funniest comments!! I need to keep track of them more!

I also went to Clive Anthonys and picked up my 277 photos that I had printed out - they were 12c a print, so that is really cheap compared to anywhere else!!

Then I went through Kenz's and Dom's albums and sorted all the photos and put them in order - I think I need to print out a few more for Dom.

Monday was just back to work again.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The next couple of days....

Tuesday and Wednesday Ben and I just worked, Kenz went to school and Dom went to child care.

Thursday I went to the gym, took Dominic to do a make up swimming class and then we met Lise and her lovely kids (Meghan and Henry) at the EP Hotel for lunch. It's always nice to catch up. Lise gave me all of these pots that I can use at the Plant Stall at the fete.

I think the name "Seedy Sunday" sounds great for the plant stall, especially since the fete will be on a Sunday!

After school I met up with McKenzie's teacher and she showed me the work they are doing at the moment and gave me some maths activity sheets and she said she'd check McKenzie's writing and reading - well actually she said her writing needs to pick up speed (not sure how) and I asked for more reading books so Kenz can practice me. I'm so glad Mrs B is so understanding and willing to help her out!

Friday was Lynee's birthday - hope you had a lovely Birthday Lyn. Hope to catch up with you soon!!

Then I took McKenzie to Numberworks N Words - they are maths and english tutors to have an assessment of her work as she needs a bit of help. Actually I think McKenzie is very capable of doing her homework, her problem is that she doesn't want to do it!!

So anyway, she did really well in her sight words, she needs to improve her handwriting and try get some speed into it as she's writing a bit slow and then missing everything and she needs help with her maths. So I've signed her up to get her started with her tutoring. They've made her appointment next week for 2 hours - 1 hour of maths and 1 hour of english - I think that will be too much for her - especially after school - but we'll see how she goes.

Saturday McKenzie went to her last gymnastics class as she has decided she doesn't want to do it any more. Which is a shame, and quite strange, as Kenz is now forever doing cartwheels and somersaults in the lounge - and she has even taught Dom how to do a somersault!!

We caught up with Kristy and Adrian at the Samford Pub. It's a great place and they have a fabulous playground for the kids so it keeps everyone happy!

When we were leaving Samford we saw that the Rodeo was on at 6pm, so we went home for a couple of hours, and turned around and went back to Samford to show the kids the rodeo. We found some seats at 6pm and we actually sat in front of Zoe from school (she's in McKenzie's class) so it was good to have a chat to Zoe's family.

Poor Dom wasn't so sure about the bucking horses and bulls (especially since he just rode his first horse the other week), so we tried to explain that was their job. Poor kid.

It got really cold at Samford - the kids were rugged up but Ben and I weren't - geez it was cold.

We got home about 8.30pm (we left early) and got home in the dark as it was Earth Hour. We ended up with one light on as it's really hard to put kids to bed in the dark!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Monday

Well it's a shame, but all good things have to come to an end.

We started packing up around 11am, and just managed to get all 3 camper trailers packed up before the rain came! Thank god, because there is nothing worse than packing up went canvas!

Luckily we still had the tarp up, so we all had lunch, cleaned up the kids a bit and we left our campsite about 4pm. It took us an hour to get to Noosa North Shore, then we had to take the 4x4's through the underbody car wash, put air back in all the tyres etc and then we went to dinner at the Noosa North Shore pub, which was very nice. Left there at 7pm and got home at 8.30pm.

The last day is always such a long day.

Put the kids to bed, unpacked all the food, drinks, washing etc and got everything ready for work tomorrow!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Sunday

Well the Easter Bunny managed to find us camping which was great. Kenz and Dom did a little easter egg hunt around our camper and Kate gave them a lovely mug for Dom and a cute egg cup and spoon for Kenz. Robyn gave the kids these great foam easter eggs that the kids decorated (it was arts and crafts before breakfast!). They also got easter bunny ears and tails which were very cute too. I gave the kids a massive packet of easter lollies which you put onto necklaces and bracelets and also some cookies that had a picture of an easter egg/bunny and it has special pens to colour it in.

Poor Tori had a perforated eardrum so Robin and Lance had to drive her to Noosa Hospital to get some anti biotics. What a great kid, she whinged or complained about it, except for when it really started to hurt during the night.

Mike and I went and took all the kids for a big walk on the beach - oh boy what a big walk, especially when you have to carry Dominic half the way!! I should be really fit after that!

McKenzie and Jess found a dead seahorse so Kenz picked it up as she just loved it!!

The police set up again outside our campsite, so we all sat on the sand dunes with our alcohol and watched them book people for speeding and putting them on the breathaliser!

Had another night around the campfire.
Oh and to top the day off it was Alistair's 7th birthday and Robin made him an amazing birthday cake (we had it for dessert). Very chocolatey!!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Saturday - Jessica's 7th Birthday

Fairly good weather today but not as nice as yesterday.

The kids went swimming again, until Abbey got stung by a blue bottle. Poor thing, she screamed for at least half a hour but it was a huge sting! We gave her some medication and then she went to sleep.

Lance brought up a blow up boat, so the kids played in that - and the foam...

Kate made Jess a birthday cake in the camp oven so we all had cake for afternoon tea.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

What a beautiful day!!

After all the rain we didn't expect such beautiful weather but it was wonderful! The kids went swimming, even though the beach was very foamy!

We just stayed around the campsite and relaxed and set up a big communal tarp and just relaxed - it was wonderful.

Oh I forgot to mention that Robin and Lance and their 2 children arrived later yesterday afternoon too - and they were really good to camp with too!

Had a campfire tonight and we even had fish and salad for Good Friday.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

We're off to Teewah Beach!

Kenz went to school for a few hours and we packed and got everything ready to leave. In between trying to get everything done, and running around after Dom I had to ring Family Assistance because child care charged me too much for Dom's fees and child care was saying I needed a letter from Kenzie's after school care to say that she goes to care! That was ridiculous - family assistance said they had given child care the % they had to charge me, so I was a bit stressed about it - which wasn't a good start to the day!

Anyway I picked up Kenz and we left around midday to head off up the beach. We met Mike and Kate on the way.

Got up to Teewah about 2.30pm I think - after we caught the car ferry over from Tewantin and then past Noosa North Shore and used the GPS to find the campsite we had last month - except (as expected) there were people already set up - but we camped next to them and they were really nice people.

We started setting up the camper trailers and then the police pulled up right in front of our campsite and set up at radar and breathaliser! Kept the kids entertained, that's for sure!! It started raining, but we were all set up, so it wasn't a problem.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Busy packing for camping

Dropped Dom off at child care - he's doing really well at the new centre.

Went to work, Ben raced over and picked up the camper trailer, came home and Emma from work came and picked up Oscar, so she could look after him whilst we're away.

We were up until 10.30pm packing the camper trailer.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Plants Plants and More Plants

The usual sort of Tuesday today except I went to the school fete meeting tonight, and I'm going to be running the plant stall - what have I got myself into!

At least they're going to give me $200 to buy plants (probably go to the Caboolture markets) and they have donations of plants - so that's a start.

Only thing is it's on the 1st of June, and I have to set up on the 31st of May (which of course is my birthday) so it's obviously not going to be a big birthday this year! Oh well, not to worry, I may really enjoy it.

Madly washed, ironed and packed clothes for camping..

Monday, March 17, 2008

New Child Care

Dominic started at his new child care centre today. I called at morning tea and they said he was doing really well, he didn't cry, he interacted well the kids and he had a good morning tea. (it's amazing the food that they get at this place!)

Work was quiet today.

Ben picked Dom up and they said he had a great day and he even had a 2 hour sleep.

I went to the school as I'm going to be the plant stall convenor so I got home just after 8pm. Then I packed our clothes, towels etc for camping later this week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spectacular Petacular!!

Sunday morning we had Erin & Scott over for morning tea. Ben met them when he took their engagement photos at least 6 years ago and they've been living in the UK - so it was really nice to catch up with them.

Then I took the kids to the Spectacular Petacular at the RNA showgrounds. I think their favourite part was them both having pony rides! They also got an autograph from Ranger Stacey.

Ben had to shoot a fancy dress wedding at the Powerhouse.

I feel like I'm getting Ben's flu - well actually I think it's gone to my chest already!

Dom starts his new child care tomorrow - cross fingers that it all goes well!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Minden Get together

This morning we all slept in until after 7am which was wonderful!! Went and voted.

Ben had a wedding on and I took the kids up to Ben's parents' place at Minden to spend the day with them.

Tracey and Tony were up from Melbourne, Bronny and Gabriele were down from Townsville, Matt, Michelle and Levi came up too. Ben's Uncle and Aunt were also there and Ross's parents also came up. Plus Ken and Adrienne - so it was a full house!!

At lunch we were drinking Pina colada's and Tony started playing the piano (and it was great to see Mary joining in too). Then Tony played the guitar and then the Didgeeradoo with Ross' dad! So it was a very musical afternoon.

Kenz started to get an ear infection and was in a lot of pain.

I called Ben at 6pm as he was finishing his wedding, and he was feeling ok, so he drove up and also brought up some ear drops for Kenz.

We left at 9pm and got home at 10pm and pretty much crashed for the night!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Mum and Dad popped in for morning tea this morning, so it was nice to catch up.

Raced off to K-mart and bought some easter eggs for the kids.

Took Dominic swimming and picked Kenz up from school.

Starting to feel a bit fluey....hmmmm.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Woken up early (by Dom) - he seems to like waking at 5.45am lately (he was waking up at 5.15am, so I'm glad he's getting up a bit later now).

Decided to make a chocolate cake as we have Rod, Mary, Bronny and Gabriele coming over this morning.

They all arrived around 8.20am and Kenz got to quickly seem them before I had to take her to school. I only got to spend another 20 minutes with them, as Dominic had a swimming class. Whilst they were here, I gave Gabriele her first birthday present (it's only a month early, but I thought it was safer than posting it to Townsville). We gave her a beautiful little gold bracelet - which I must get a photo of! I got photos of her eating the wrapping paper, but not of the bracelet - silly!

Raced Dom off to swimming and then we popped into his new child care centre at Everton Park. I think they'll be ok. It's very hard comparing a newly built centre (which he was in) to a centre that is probably 20 or so years old. But the staff all seemed nice and they had a great pre-kindy newsletter explaining what their goals are with the children, and also mentioned they'd be having an Easter bonnet parade next Thursday (except Dom won't be there as we're going camping), they're going to have a pj party and the baby farm animals are coming next month.

Then we came back home and had morning tea (the chocolate cake I made) as everyone had left and no one had any cake.

Then Dom and I went grocery shopping and he was so tired from swimming that he fell asleep in the shopping trolley!! Swimming must have worn him out!

Came home, unpacked, had lunch and then Dom Ben and I all had a little snooze - as Ben is getting his flu back again - he sounds dreadful today.

I picked up Kenz from school - and she was the first grade 2er to come up to the parents - that's the first time ever - normally she's one of the last ones to come up to the meeting spot!

Then I took Kenz to get her hair cut. She got it cut into a short bob just above her shoulders and it looks so much better!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dom's Last Day at P Street

Today is Dommy's last day at the child care centre. Of course we were running late, so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to everyone!

Ben picked him up and they had a little party for Dom and they wrote on a balloon saying they'll all miss him and to keep up his cheeky grin! (I really do hope I've made the right decision)!!

I actually walked out of work at 4.30pm with everything up to date!!

Bronny & Gabriele fly down from Townsville tonight.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Not a lot happening today.

I picked Dom up from child care and the girls (staff) have been so nice and said they'll miss Dom when he finishes up at child care tomorrow. I'm really hoping I've made the right decision to move him to another child care centre! The new place is the same price but they provide the children with 3 meals a day (m/tea, a cooked lunch and afternoon tea). That will make the nights a bit easier with just having to prepare food for Kenz.

I had my first attempt at making Shortbread for Dominic's child care tomorrow - it turned out ok, but not very tasty (flour, caster suger and butter). I asked Dena (as she's the cooking queen) and she said to try it with icing sugar! So next time I'll do that and see how they work out. I'm sure the kids won't mind.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rochelle's birthday

It was Roshy's birthday today - 31! I have no idea what to get her for her birthday! (slack I know).

Poor Roshy is having problems trying to find a wedding venue down in Byron Bay - she wants to rent a house and have the ceremony and reception there, as it's only a small wedding party. The original date she was looking at (29th Nov), I discovered, is Schoolies weekend - so now she's looking at the 15th November.

I had today off work with McKenzie as she still had a temperature, and she slept for 3 hours in the afternoon, so she obviously wasn't feeling the best!

I went to Body Balance tonight.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

High temps + Matt's 35th birthday

McKenzie didn't wake up very well today. She was still feeling sick and still had the high temps. She pretty much slept most of the day.

We did manage to go out to Anaconda, Down Under camping and Super Cheap to get a few things for camping.

In the afternoon Dominic and I went to K-Mart and got a few more things for camping (mostly groceries) whilst Ben and Kenz slept.

It's also Matt's (Ben's brother) birthday today so we called him to wish him a happy birthday.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


No gymnastics this morning (due to the hall roof being repaired), so it was nice not to have to race out early in the morning.

Ben had a wedding on today, so he left around lunch time.

I had Steph, Lynee, Tresona, Aaron and Grace around for afternoon tea. It was such a lovely afternoon, so we just sat on the deck and ate and talked - it was so nice to catch up.

After everyone left, McKenzie told me that she hurt her neck on the trampoline. Not sure if she just strained it but about 10:30pm she had a high temp and was vomiting. We didn't have a very good night with her.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Kate's 40th Birthday

Happy Birthday Kate, hope you have a great day.

A bit more racing around this morning.

The school drop off, then I picked up some pants that Ben had altered, went to Crazy Clarks and bought a Slow Cooker (I've never had one and people swear by them) so I'm hoping to use it on days that I work, so we can have decent dinners on the days I work.

I also bought some more stuff for our camping trip.

Afterwards we went to Brookside (and I specifically went here to go to Medicare, but of course I forgot my form/receipt) so I'll have to go again.

Spoke to Liz around lunch time.

Dom and I did the grocery shopping and the poor kid, we were half way through and his nappy leaped (wet only thankfully) so I had to stop shopping, pay for what I had and then take Dom to get changed. We went home after that.

Then Dominic had his swimming lesson (he's missed the last 2) but he really enjoyed his class.

Raced off to school to pick Kenz up and then I went out and finished the rest of our grocery shopping.

We just had a quick dinner and Dom was asleep just after 6.30pm (since he didn't sleep all day).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Home Show Photos

Here's my attempt at photography at Helen's stand at the Home Show - not bad for a novice!!

Helps that the items I am shooting are gorgeous!!

Racing around

Tuesday and Wednesday was pretty non eventful (besides my bridesmaid news which is exciting) and Ben has the flu and he thinks he is dying.

Today was fairly busy.

We dropped Kenz off to school and then Dom and I went to the gym. Came home and then we finally went to the Home Show. Our friend Helen from HG Unique Spaces had a stand at the show, so she got us in for free and Ben took some photos of her amazing stand. I could see Ben was feeling pretty crappy, so I took the camera and started taking photos myself. I think they turned out pretty well actually!!! Once Ben gets to download them, I'll post a couple of my favourites up.

I've been thinking about doing a photography course lately and I think after this, I'd seriously like to do photography. I'd LOVE to take photos of interior decorating, furniture and houses!!!

Then we came home and I went up to the school to talk to Kenzie's grade 2 teacher, to see how she is going. Kenz is doing ok, finding a few things a bit tricky (like counting in 10s) but her teacher gave me some paddle pop sticks and said she could practice at home with them - so I think she'll get the hang of it soon!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm going to be a Bridesmaid!!

My sister Rochelle phoned, and said she was thinking of bringing her wedding date ahead earlier, because our Pa is sick. So she's thinking Oct-December at the end of this year. So that's great, especially since her and Andy have been engaged for 2 years now.

She's hoping to have a small wedding down at Byron Bay and she just wants to rent a house for a week and she'll have the wedding ceremony in the backyard - as long as it's overlooking the beach!!

Anyway she asked me to be her bridesmaid, so that's really exciting as I've never been an bridesmaid before!

I emailed her links to a couple of properties that can be rented out so she's hoping to go to Byron on Monday (her birthday) and check them out and see if they'd be suitable for a little wedding....

Ben will also take the photos for them (of course).. :o)

Can't wait - now I really need to get fit and look half decent in a cocktail dress!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Oscar turns 2 today!!

Well young Oscar (our spoodle) turned 2 today. I bought him a stuffed toy and some dentabones to chew on. The stuffed toy lasted about 1 hour before he had destroyed it.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sunday Breakfast

This morning we went over to Troy and Pam's new place at Sinnamon Park and finally got to meet baby Andy (who is now 4 months old) - what a cutie.

It was also great to catch up with Trina and Andrew and Selina and Shameem and all of the kids (I think between 4 couples we had 7 kids aged 6 to 4 months!

Ben took the kids for a swim and it was freezing. Poor Dom had purple lips by the time he got out. (probably not the cleverest thing to do since he's been on anti biotics with a chesty cough).

We got home about 2pm. We were going to go to the Home Show but we were all too tired.

Then the usual Sunday afternoon and getting ready for the working week.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Is it March already??!!!!

Can't believe it's March - times flies when you're having fun.

This morning was gymnastics and the gym and then to the fruit shop. Just had some time at home and then I dropped Kenz off to a birthday party at a cooking school. Kenz had a brilliant time.

Here's a photo or two..

The girls made cupcakes (and decorated them) and also made pizza!

Then we raced home, and went to Craig and Denise's place for a bbq - Craig and Denise live in the next street. We had a great night (and their 3 daughters kept Kenz and Dom entertained - or should I say Kenz and Dom kept their 9, 12 and 15 year olds entertained!!!! We walked home at about 10pm.

The kids crashed and I went to bed soon after.

Ben came upstairs at 11.30pm asking if I had heard all of the screaming - which I didn't because I was sound asleep.

But apparently the people directly across the road from us were having a domestic and she was screaming her head off and he was pinning her down (as Ben raced outside to see what the hell was happening) and he ended up calling the cops. 000 could even here her screaming and then he was screaming that she was trying to stab him!!

The police were here in about 2 minutes and then Ben came back inside once they arrived. So we're not sure what happened in the end.