Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunday - restday (NOT)

Up early this morning with Dom and we drove down the coast to see Mum and Dad. Rochelle and Nanna popped in for morning tea.

Then we went to visit Pa at the Gold Coast Hospital. He seems to be doing a lot better and at least he's started eating again.

Went back to Mum and Dad's place and then we went to Jacob's Ridge to see their new block of land (hopefully their investment property will start being built soon). After that we went to the Warehouse Tavern (somewhere around Ormeau) and we had lunch.

To our surprise Rich (my uncle), Rebecca and the kids turned up and had a drink with us. We haven't seen them since Boxing Day (and actually we didn't see Rich or Bree then as they were away camping).

Raced home and then Mike and Kate and the girls came over so Kate could do our BAS statements etc. They ended up staying for dinner (pizza) and left about 7pm and the kids were so worn out they went straight to bed!!

At least we're camping next weekend, so it will be a lot more relaxing!! :o)

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