Saturday, February 2, 2008


I'm really hating that Dom is waking up at 5.30am every morning lately - it's driving me mad - especially since we don't get to bed until 11 pm or midnight mosts nights!!

This morning McKenzie started back to gymnastics and it's now a one and a half hour class and she's starting Level 1. Little Emma and Big Emma (big because she is the tallest) were in her class so Kenz was happy about that. Big Emma gave Kenzie a lovely photo of the two of them and the gym comp last year, so that was really sweet of her.

So whilst Kenz was at gymnastics, Dom and I raced off to the gym. For some reason I just don't have much energy on a Saturday morning. I only did about 45 minutes as I had to race back to get Kenz at 10am.

We came home and made scones for morning tea.

We used the easy recipe:-

2 cups of SR Flour
1 cup of cream and
1 cup of lemonade!!

They turned out really nice.

Ian, Sandy and the kids popped in as they were in the area and we had the scones on the deck.

Ben had his 2nd wedding for the year and he left at lunch time.

Dom and I slept for 2 hours in the afternoon - geez I wonder why we needed to have a sleep - Kenz just watched a movie.

I woke up with a shocking headache and felt terrible. Nothing that a couple of tablets couldn't fix though.

I cooked Corned Silverside for dinner, bathed the kids and had dinner when Ben got home at 7pm.

After the kids went to bed I sorted the washing and ironed until 10pm - another exhilerating night at home!!

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