Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crazy Dom

I don't know what Dom's problem was today, but boy he was just crazy!!! Even Ben was surprised he carried on the way he did - very cheeky, back chatting and not his usual self. I'm starting to think it's some food that he has eaten - so I'll have to look into that!! He even woke up at 5.30am (which when you go to bed after a few drinks at 11.30pm the night before - is way to early!) and Kenz even woke up after she went to bed at 11pm!!! I couldn't believe it...

So anyway we just had a quiet day at home, I bought some display boxes 30cm and 30cm for McKenzie's room (tried to get drawers to fit them but couldn't get any) but anyway Kenz was happy, and I might get a few more for her room....

I tried getting a photo of the purple plastic bucket that I bought for Kenzie's room and this is what Dom did (Kenz was having an afternoon snooze - no wonder!)..

I'm also doing my "Photo a day" so I took these of Missy and the Frangipani's in the backyard - it's sort of hard getting photos when you don't go anywhere...will be interesting to see what I can do the 3 days I go to work!!

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