Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lunch with the Worth Family

This morning we raced down to Runcorn to pick up Ben's car - I think he was happy to have his baby back!

Then we went to an amazing roast lunch at Glenn and Liz's place at Albany Creek - we thought it might have been a bbq or pizzas, but no, Liz went out with a gorgeous Lamb Roast, roasted veges, salads and an amazing cheesecake! Thanks for having us over guys, it was great to catch up - it's been a while between drinks...

Liz also gave me the number of her babysitter who actually lives at Mitchelton, so she may be able to help us out when we have long photography sessions on or when we need to go somewhere overnight..

I took these photos of the car this arvo and Ben thought the car needed a wash - and it ended up raining on it - no surprise there!!

And Dom and Kenz helped out...

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