Thursday, January 15, 2009

What A Day!!

Today I have been dragging kids around the gym (yes I finally made it to do some cardio), making extra toilet stops for Dommy, went to the vets to get Oscar's worming tablets, to the school book store (it cost me $157 for all of Kenzie's books etc), then to Brookside, where Dommy must have went to the toilet 4 times, Kenz did a free paint a calico bag and got all upset because the paint has run and she also managed to throw up in Brookside - then Dom stayed in the play area and apparently they called me 3 times over the loud speaker (which I never heard) because Dom was screaming his head off because he wanted him mummy and then chucked a tanty because he wanted to paint a bag like McKenzie had and he also wanted a chocolate milkshake, which I couldn't stop to get as Kenz was still feeling sick.

I did manage to get Kenz two sets of uniforms (her day and sports) and that was it as she was going to be sick again...

This all took me 5 hours today.

Wish I was at work - at least it's quiet, no tantrums and no throwing up!

But I did manage to buy myself 2 gym outfits and two sets of PJ's with my $50 Voucher...

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