Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ten Pin Bowling

Today McKenzie was MEANT to go to Underwater World with vacation care, but when Ben took her there, they told him it wasn't viable to go there!

Ben wasn't impressed and so were some other parents!

We had to book the January session at least 4 weeks in advance and some people even specifically choose a certain day depending on the activities, so they should have known ages ago that they weren't going. And last week they did the same thing, they cancelled Science Centre (because it was apparently double booked) and the kids just stayed at vacation care again...

Anyway at least this time they took the kids to Ten Pin Bowling, which Kenz enjoyed.

I took the kids grocery shopping with me tonight - I hate taking both of them and of course Dom had to go to the toilet again - which means leaving a trolley full of shopping and walking out and using the public toilets!!

I got all the camping food.

only thing is we're starting to have second thoughts about going camping now as the weather forecasts for up near Gympie isn't look very good at all - I don't know what it is,but every time we mention we're going camping it rains!!!

We are meant to leave tomorrow, so we'll have to see what the weather is like tomorrow morning....

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