Thursday, June 5, 2008

Photography day

Thursday already. Well I left with the kids at 8am and we said good-bye to Ben as he is flying to Cairns and then onto Gove (Northern Territory) today!

I went to my course in town - my 2nd last week. Next week I have to bring in my Reflection photos.

Whilst I was in town, I bought a couple of shirts (mostly for work) at the sales. I only managed to get 3 but it was a start.

Pick up Dom from child care and then Kenz from school and then took Kenz to Numberworks. Then Dom and I raced off to Aldi to do the grocery shopping. Raced back to pick up Kenz and she got 100% in her subtraction this week, so that's great!!

We came home, had dinner, did homework, rang Mum and Dad who are actually away for the first time in their caravan down at Kingscliffe! Then Ben phoned about 7.30pm to say he had arrived in Gove and was getting his luggage and wanted to say goodnight to the kids. He then phoned back about 10 minutes later from his hotel room to let me know how his trip went - which all went fine - except they didn't have a key for his hotel room! Anyway he was going to catch up with the bride and groom (and all their family and friends) at the bar - so at least Ben's getting a bit of socialising done too.....

I phoned Tracey to see how she was going down in Victoria - and all is well. Kids didn't go to sleep until at least 9pm! I hope they sleep all night tonight.

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