Friday, June 27, 2008

Last Day of School

Well it's the last day of school today (for 2 weeks anyway).

I couldn't drag myself to the gym today - I had heaps of housework to do and my toe was still too sore to play squash, but hopefully I'll be able to play next Friday!!

Had to go to the Post Office to pick up some worming and flea stuff for Oscar (I buy it online at Priceless Pets - so much cheaper!!).

Did the housework, lots of washing, and the place is so dusty - must be because of the flanelette sheets etc...

After school I met up with McKenzie's teacher - she said she is doing ok, has improved in her Maths and her writing is improving but she really does need to practice a lot more. She gave us about 22 little reader books to read over the holidays and said to get McKenzie to write a school holiday diary (about what she did each day) so that would help her with her writing and she would tick it and encourage her for doing a job well done once Kenz returned to school.

One concerning thing was that she said she thought McKenzie should go see a Behavioural Optometrist (there's one at Arana Hills) - and I know we've never had McKenzie's eyes checked (her eyes could be fine, but there could be a reason why she finds writing so hard), so i need to look into that now. I think on your first appointment they do a full on eye examination - so I guess that can't hurt.

Kenz also lost another tooth today, so I think that's 8 now!

We took Oscar for a walk this afternoon and McKenzie rode her bike and Dom even rode his trike (it's the first time he's really ridden it anywhere!). They both loved it.

We think we might go for a drive down to Wynnum tomorrow - just for somewhere different. Ben has an appointment in the morning, but we'll go after lunch and go for an ice cream or something like that.

We were meant to catch up with Tania and Paul for dinner tonight but Tania isn't well with her pregnancy or the flu - that's horrible when you can't take any medication either.

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