Friday, June 13, 2008


Kenz woke up with her eye stuck together this morning, so no school for Kenz!! I got her into the drs at lunch time and got some eye drops - I think we've got it early as her eye is mainly red and not junky (lovely topic of conversation hey!).

Earlier I went to the post office (I had both kids with me) and picked up my birthday present from Bron - a voucher to spend at Big W.

So off to Big W we went and I bought a yoga matt - I've wanted one for ages, and I also had to buy a new iron since I dropped mine last night!

Then we went to the drs and the chemist and grabbed a few groceries and came home.

We were meant to go to the Hogs Breath with Tania and Paul but I had to postpone that until another time when Kenz is better.

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