Saturday, June 21, 2008

Broken toe, Winding roads, car sickness, campgrounds, meat pies and learning to ride a bike

Well it all happened today.

Firstly I broke my little right toe on one of Dominic's toys (well I'm 99% sure I have) so I guess that teaches me for running around trying to get things ready so we could go out for a drive!

We decided since we didn't go camping this weekend that we'd check out Neurum Creek Camp Ground (out past Woodford) and see what campsites would be suitable for the camper trail. We went out through Samford and by the time we got to Dayboro McKenzie was as white as a ghost! So we stopped there briefly to give her a break (and we hadn't even hit the windy part yet!). Then we went over Mt Mee (and stopped at the look out for about 2 minutes as it was freezing cold!).

Once we started coming down McKenzie was feeling better, even Dominic was a bit quiet. Then we drove onto Neurum and the campground and it was really nice. We spent about 45 minutes there looking around and we think the kids would love!! Might be for a summer destination as it was quite cold at 2pm in the afternoon!!

Then we went to Woodford and had some beautiful meat pies for a late lunch.

Drove back home through Caboolture and along the freeway so Kenz wouldn't be sick and it took about 1 hour and 10 minutes to get home.

Then Kenz decided that she wanted to learn to ride her bike! I bought her that bike 16 months ago and she's never really tried to ride it (because it doesn't have training wheels). Anyway she tried under our back deck and then on the grass in the backyard (dodging the trampoline and the swing set) and then Ben took her to the school down the road. We've uploaded some video footage on u-tube so I'll attach the link to this.....

click here to watch McKenzie ride her bike

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