Friday, June 6, 2008

Congratulations Steph and Brad!!

I received news today that Steph and Brad had a beautiful baby girl at 5.42am. Little Sophie Isobella was 2600 grams (5 pound 12 - same as McKenzie). Steph and bubby are doing well. I can't wait to see them.

Well Ben has had an interesting time in Gove. I don't think he's really done a lot up there, mainly just stayed at the Hotel, but he was possibly going out with the Groom and his best man to the local pub to meet the locals tonight! He said Bourbons were $7 and Cruisers was $12!!! He sent through some photos of where he's staying too.

What else did I do today? the kids were great this morning getting ready - there was no yelling or screaming for a change which was nice. We took Kenz to school and then Dom and I went to the gym. I did my weights program and a bit of the treadmill and step machine and my backside is sore tonight! Then Dom and I did some grocery shopping and came home and had lunch.

Liz and Deklan came over and Liz gave me a lovely 9 tealight candle set in a wooden block (to go with our Balinese look). It's really nice.

Then we picked Kenz up from school and then we took Oscar for a walk in the afternoon. Dominic started off riding his little bike, but his shoes kept getting caught so he went in the pram and fell asleep!!

Ben phoned to talk to the kids and we just had dinner. After dinner we made some Microwave Popcorn (which was pretty good - the kids loved it!).

Just having a quiet night tonight.

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