Thursday, June 26, 2008

Busy Thursday again

Thursdays always seem to be busy. Take Kenz to school and then to the gym. I did Body Pump which was great but my toe was still quite sore and made me a bit off balance - even Alex the instructor asked if I was ok! I don't think it's broken, but it is badly bruised - half my foot is purple!

Then grocery shopping, unpack the groceries, make lunch, and then I had about on hour to muck around with the camera - so I took some photos of Dominic and Oscar.

Then I picked Kenz up from school and took her to Numberworks - she got 100% in her A Level "Sequencing". Oh and we got Kenzie's report card yesterday - not too bad, but obviously still needs to work on her maths and her hand writing, but at least she's polite and courteous at school!!! Whilst Kenz was at Numberworks I raced off to Aldi's to get some other groceries. Came home and had Beef Stroganoff for dinner.

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