Saturday, April 12, 2008

Steph's Baby Shower

This morning I went to Steph's baby shower - she's 30 weeks and she's looking fantastic!! It was so nice to catch up with Steph, Lyn and Tresona - and Tresona told us (well actually Lyn pointed out the Engagement Ring) so that's wonderful that Tres and Aaron are engaged! We wish them all the best!

I'll post some photos later - I think Lyn has a really good photo of the four of us together.

At the same time, McKenzie went to Alex's 7th birthday and she had a great time. Alex's mum had organised the kids to do Sand Wizard activities so I think that kept the kids busy! What a great idea, they kids all got a piece of cardboard with a drawing on it, and then they pulled off the sticker part of it and then sprinkled sand on it and then the sand sticks!! Alex's mum even laminated them (which is a great idea so the sand doesn't fall off everywhere).

This is their website...

At the moment, Ben is cleaning the front and back decks to get all the possum pee and poop off it - it's disgusting!!

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