Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Richard's 40th birthday

Today was Richard's 40th birthday - Poor Rich, it's been a hard week for him. First his father's funeral and then his 40th birthday.

We called Rich and wished him a happy birthday and everyone (Rich, Beck and the kids, Nanna and Mum & Dad) were at the Grand Hotel (Labrador) to celebrate his birthday - so that was nice.

I was madly packing our clothes, food, drinks etc for Fraser Island and Ben had a wedding appointment, so we couldn't make it. It's hard when everyone's down the coast and we're up here in Brisbane.

I got an early Mother's Day present from Ben and the kids - a new car fridge 11 litre cooler/warmer that plugs into your cigarette lighter. I've always wanted one and it's wonderful that Ben got it early so we could take it to Fraser.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Another sad day - Pa's funeral

I was really not looking forward to today.

I dropped the kids off at school and child care and then I went and bought some helium balloons to take to the funeral and some flowers for Mum & Dad, Nanna, and Rich and Beck (Rochelle went halves with me, otherwise I would have bought her some too).

I picked Kenz up from school and Dom from child care about 11.30am. Poor Dom had been bitten on the arm, and I wasn't impressed, but I wasn't in any mood to complain about it.

The 4 of us then headed down to Southport to Metropolitan Funerals and we were practically one of the first ones there. It was nice in a way, because we could greet everyone when they came into the service.

We checked out the DVD and thankfully that worked properly - we were worried that it wouldn't work (because their system wasn't compatable) but it was all good.

Anyway it was a lovely service, Nanna did extremely well. Mum and Dad were good and Rich did pretty well too. Rochelle and I were a tad bit upset and we set each other off!

McKenzie was wonderful and was trying to comfort Rochelle and Dom was great as he just sat on Ben's lap.

Once the service was finished, I gave the helium balloons to Rochelle (myself) Bree and Zac as the grandchildren and the other 2 to McKenzie and Dominic who are the great-grandchildren and we released them into the wind. Ok, it was probably a tad bit windier than I would have liked as the balloons pretty much got whisked away, but it was still a very nice gesture (I was surprised the little kids let go of the balloons!).

Then we went to the Tigers Club (Aussie Rules) where Nanna and Pa went for lunches regularly. It was nice to catch up with everyone there.

Then we drove back to Brisbane for dinner and bed - I was emotionally drained.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Ben left early this morning to head up to his wedding up at Maleny.

I have been burning copies of Pa's funeral dvd that Ben Rich and Beck mostly put together. There's a few family friends in the UK that would like a copy of it.

I think I'll just spend some time with the kids at home and relax a bit. The kids have been on the trampoline and the swings and now they're watching the Simpsons Movie.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

To market, to market

This morning we went to the Rocklea Markets. On Saturdays they sell fruit and veges, freshly baked breads, plants and flowers.

We got some gorgeous homemade quiches (2 for $10), containers of olives and fetta ($14 worth), a crunchy loaf of bread ($3), 2 freshly squeezed orange juices ($5) and all our fruit and veges for $18 which I thought that was pretty good.

I think I might try make a trip out there fortnightly (if possible), but I'll just see how long this fruit lasts and see how much ends up getting thrown out.

We came home and had a lovely lunch with the breads, olives etc and Dom actually fell asleep in the car driving home, so he had a rest whilst Kenz and I went to the Auction which was in the next street (Orchid). It's a lovely house and we know they want $900,000+ for it, but the auction started at $800, there was a bid for $820 and then the vendors bid went to $860 where the auction ended as the house was passed in.

I'm not so sure about auctions, maybe the auctioneer started to high as there was no momentum. It would have been nice if there was a bit more bidding. I think if you got that house for $850,000 it would have been a great buy. It's on a double block (890) and had a pool and 5 bedrooms (but 3 were downstairs with the theatre room).

I think if we buy another house, I want one where all the living is downstairs and the bedrooms are up and that way I can just easily see the kids playing outside, without having to stand at the kitchen window and look over the deck (like I do here).

It's very hard to find a house that has everything we want (especially with needing someone for the business) and we need at least a double car lock up - even this house in Orchid St only had a single lock up (like our house).

After Dom woke up and had lunch I took them both to Brookside, I just had to exchange a shirt as mine had buttons missing on it and buy some shaving cream for Ben.

Then we watched 27 Dresses - that was a good movie.

Pa's Funeral Notice

NAYLOR, William George

Gold Coast Bulletin|26 April 2008 NAYLOR, William George
Late of Labrador, aged 79 years.
The relatives and friends of Audrey, Jamie and Lyn, Steve (deceased), Richard and Beck and their families are respectfully advised that the funeral for her dearly loved husband, their much loved father, father- in-law, grandfather and great-grandfather is appointed to be held in the chapel of Metropolitan Funerals, corner Nind and Davenport Streets, Southport on Monday, 28th April 2008, commencing at 2pm.

Southport (07) 5531 1722
Palm Beach (07) 5525 7777
Proudly Australian Owned

Friday, April 25, 2008

Brunch at Selina and Shameem's place / ANZAC Day

We had an absolutely wonderful feast at Selina and Shameem's place today (and Zara), and we were also joined by Troy Pam and their 2 little boys, Trina & Andrew with their 2, Ian and Louse with the delightful Tilly.

Ben and I also used the opportunity to take photos of everyone as Pam wanted some for her Twinkle Toes frame of Andy and Trina wanted some of her newest addition, Zachary.

Selina and Shameem outdid themselves with the brunch and it was just so nice to catch up with everyone!

I'll upload a couple of my photos.

Then we all came home for a rest - ok, so we're getting old and need our Nanna naps!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Beginners Photography Course

I started my photographers course today at the College of Photography and Art at Spring Hill.

I was a bit nervous because I didn't really know where I was going (I've never seen the college before) and I had to walk from Central Station to Bowen St and I had no idea how far that was (as it turned out it was only about 10 mins).

We pretty much just went through all the technical stuff of the camera like the shutter speed, aperature, the lenses, macros etc and I managed to survive ok. We didn't get to take any photos.

Unfortunately next Thursday I'm going to miss the class because we're heading up to Fraser for an extra long, long weekend, so I got the notes this week and we're also getting an assignment next week - so at least I can do my "Close Ups" on Fraser Island!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

More sad news - Pa passed away today

The day started off ok. Dom had the Barnyard Babies at child care (which he loved) and McKenzie is doing travelling around Australia and was able to wear beachy clothes to school.

I got home at 5pm and Ben walked out to meet me and I knew it wasn't good news. Rochelle (my sister) had called (she tried calling my mobile but I was driving - must get a handsfree!) and then she called home. So she gave me the bad news.

At least Pa went peacefully. Poor Rochelle was on her way to the hospital and Mum, Dad and Nanna were walking out as she was walking in.

I phoned Nanna (and Mum and Dad were with her) and she seemed to be handling it ok (at this stage).

I'm handling it ok, but I know as soon as I see Nanna, Mum, Dad and Rochelle that I will lose it at the funeral!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Start of the week

Just the usual Monday, school, child care, and work.

Tuesday I at work for about 1 and half hour and had to come home because I had the Worst migraine I had ever had!! I started getting zig zags across my left eye (and thought it was my contacts - well hoped it was, but knew it wasn't), and then they finally went and then I got this massive headache and then I felt like I was going to be sick!

I came home and slept for 4 hours straight until Ben woke me up (just before he was picking up the kids). I still had a headache, but not too bad.

Then Mum phoned to say that Pa was seriously ill in the Robina (Gold Coast) Hospital and that his organs were shutting down and probably wasn't going to last very long.

I wanted to drive down there (and Ben was going to cancel his appointment) but Dad said Pa was in a coma and it would be a long trip to sit there for 15 minutes and then come home. I know I will regret not going!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Photography course

This morning Ben let me sleep in until 7.30am which was nice, since I was up and down to the kids all night!!

Raelene phoned me (we haven't spoken in months, just don't get a chance to catch up these days unfortunately) and we talked for an hour which was great!

Then Mike Kate Jess and Abbey all come over and Kate did the BAS statements for Ben. Kate even made some scones and brought them over, which were very nice.

Then I had to rush out to do a 4 Hour Basic photography course at Inkredible (a scrapbooking store at Ashgrove). The class was pretty good, and Sara explained all the basics of a digital slr camera - so when I start my course on Thursday at the College of Photography and Art, I will actually have a clue what they're talking about!!

We did the basics:

Shutter and Speed
White Balance
and general tips.

Sara was from Sassy Photography and Point Shoot Play.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Thai Night

It was so nice to wake up this morning and have NO plans to do anything today!!

Ben didn't have a wedding on either.

I just took the kids for a little drive up to a wedding dress shop to pick up some Fairy wings for Rochelle's wedding.

Then we came home, had lunch and just chilled out.

Craig and Denise from the next street over popped in to say hello and then Mark and Sharon and Lauren, Myron and the kids (Anwen and Joshua) came over for Thai. It's been nearly 10 months since we saw Myron's kids and all the kids played really well together.

It was a great night, we just ate out on the deck (and it was a bit chilly).

Everyone left by about 9.15pm and Ben and I sat down to watch Most Haunted but I kept falling asleep.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Gabriele's 1st Birthday

Wow it's hard to believe that Gabriele (Bronny and Ross' little one) was born a year ago in Townsville!! The year has gone so fast.

I decided not to do too much today, so I took Kenz to school, did the housework and took Dom for his last swimming lesson for the season (well until October as it's too cold for him) and picked Kenz up from school. We then made a cake (and sent a photo of it to Gabriele, to let her know we were thinking of her).

Ben had a wedding up at Maleny so he got home about 7.20pm, and I already had the kids in bed (Kenz was still awake, but Dom was in la la land).

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Rush rush rush

Thursdays are the usual crazy run around sort of day.

We dropped Kenz to school and then Dom and I went to the gym, I did my favourite body pump class (which will be my last for 8 weeks because I'll be doing my photography course on Thursday mornings as of next week), then we went grocery shopping, unpacked the food and had lunch. Then I took Dom swimming, Ben picked up Kenz from school and then I raced out with Kenz to Numberworks for her to do her 1 hour tutoring session. She's really enjoying it, so that's great!! Got home and had quiche for dinner (something quick and easy).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Must be Mad

Not only am I on the fete committee for McKenzie's school, I have now been asked (and accepted) being on the Secretarial Function Committee - where we invite clients' secretaries along to a huge night out in October..

As if I haven't got enough on my hands!!

Tonight I went to the fete meeting - I must be insane - there seems to be more and more that needs to be done now with the fete. And with Ben being at a photography seminar the whole weekend, it's going to be tricky with the juggling of kids.

Anyway it's 10.30pm, and I should really go to bed!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Maybe I just fluffed...

Just the usual Monday morning but Dom came out with a cracker of a comment.

Ben asked if he had a dirty nappy (yes he's still in nappies) and Dom kept saying no and wouldn't show him. Ben was getting a bit annoyed with Dom and Dommy come out with

I haven't done a poo, maybe I just fluffed!!!

Well Kenzie nearly wet herself, she thought it was so funny and Ben couldn't help but laugh either.

God he's a character - he knows how to turn a situation around!!

McKenzie went to vacation care and they did cooking.

I was busy at work today as I was the only secretary there. Didn't stop all day!

Then tonight I went to Body Balance to do my relaxation / stretching class and got everything for Kenz to go back to school tomorrow.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday catch up

Well we had a crappy sleep last night thanks to Dom. Not sure what his problem was (as he never wakes up during the night) but I lost count of how many times I got up to him during the night!! Feel a bit average today!

But we had a great catch up with Liz and Glenn W and their 2 boys at The Gap Tavern - our session lasted 3 and a half hours - so needless to say we had a lot to catch up about as we hadn't seen Liz for nearly 18 months and probably 9 months since we've seen Glenn!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Steph's Baby Shower

This morning I went to Steph's baby shower - she's 30 weeks and she's looking fantastic!! It was so nice to catch up with Steph, Lyn and Tresona - and Tresona told us (well actually Lyn pointed out the Engagement Ring) so that's wonderful that Tres and Aaron are engaged! We wish them all the best!

I'll post some photos later - I think Lyn has a really good photo of the four of us together.

At the same time, McKenzie went to Alex's 7th birthday and she had a great time. Alex's mum had organised the kids to do Sand Wizard activities so I think that kept the kids busy! What a great idea, they kids all got a piece of cardboard with a drawing on it, and then they pulled off the sticker part of it and then sprinkled sand on it and then the sand sticks!! Alex's mum even laminated them (which is a great idea so the sand doesn't fall off everywhere).

This is their website...

At the moment, Ben is cleaning the front and back decks to get all the possum pee and poop off it - it's disgusting!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Life is a blur at the moment: Steph's Baby Shower

Life is a blur at the moment: Steph's Baby Shower

Aunty Col's funeral

Well it was a very sad day today as it was Ben's Aunty Col's funeral.

We drove the kids down to mum and dad's place for the day and then came back for the funeral. I was doing ok until one of Ben's cousins read out the following verse..

If tears could build a stairway
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right to Heaven
And bring you home again.

I was sitting next to Bronny (who flew down from Townsville) and Mary (Ben's Mum) and that was it, we were all in tears. Then they lowered the coffin (it was at the Crematorium and I've only seen when the coffin goes behind the curtains) but this one went down and that really upset me to.

Uncle Wally did exceptionally well and we all went back to one of Ben's cousin's place for the wake - which was really nice, and Ben got to catch up with so many cousins etc who he hasn't seen for 20-30 years!!

We then drove back to the coast and had dinner at Mum and Dad's place and then we drove the kids home and got home about 8.30pm.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

More Body Pump

I made the stupid mistake of doing another body pump class within 14 hours of each other and boy did it kill! Not to mention that the instructor wasn't doing the classes right and I think half of us were in pain from it! So not good - can't wait for our usual instructor to come back.

McKenzie went with Ben to his photography breakfast meetings (but I think she was a bit bored) - sorry guys, not saying your talk is boring - but I guess it would be for a 6 year old!

Dominic and I went grocery shopping and then we went to Trudy's new studio at Windsor. It's going to look fantastic once it is finished - as they've only been in it for a week or two.

I have booked into a Basic Photography course to start in a couple of weeks' time. I'm really looking forward to it (and it helps that Ben has all the camera equipment already) - so I think I might aim for the commercial and housing market.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

School Holidays

Well it's school holidays again and Kenz has had a couple of good days at Vacation Care. On Monday they had a disco and bbq, Tuesday we spent the day together and I took Kenz to see Horton Hears a Who (Dr Zues movie) which was very funny. Monday was also Levi's 7th birthday (Kenzie's cousin) so we hope he had a lovely day. Wednesday Kenz had a drama day at OSH care and she loved it!!

Ben and I just worked, and Dom went to child care. Unfortunately I couldn't get any extra time, but I was lucky I could get Tuesday off.

Same Sh*t
Different Depth.

Wednesday night I went to Body Pump and Dena went to her first class. It was a different teacher but it was a good class.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pa's not well

Dad phoned this morning and said Pa had been rushed to hospital again and he was extremely ill. He said they were trying to get a hold of a dr to find out his situation - he was still in the Emergency Area because they didn't have a bed in a ward for him!

I was trying to organise to get back down the coast and have the kids minded by someone as I didn't think it was the right time for them to be there.

Dad phoned me back about an hour later and said Pa was feeling better as they had him on a drip, and he had eaten some food - Nanna said he hasn't eaten for ages! He even spoke to Dad on the phone - so Dad said not to worry about racing back down the coast for now and we'll see how Pa goes.

Ben went to some photography awards on (AIPP - Qld Division I think) but he didn't enter any photos. But Trudy and Dean (Trudy used to work for Ben) won some silver awards which are just fantastic!!! Great work guys!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Some Sad News

Ben's mum phoned early this morning to let us know that Ben's Aunty Coll passed away in her sleep last night - we were shocked as we only saw her about 3 weeks ago and she was well.

We'll wait to hear about the funeral arrangements.

I had to go down the coast as I was meeting up with a few of the ladies off the spoodle forum with their dogs at the park. Mum and Dad came along which was great, but unfortunately it was a bit miserable down the coast and we didnt' stay for as long as planned, but the dogs (and the kids) had a great time - Oscar even went swimming in a lake (or canal) and I didn't even know if he could swim or not!!!

Ben went to a house auction at Newmarket (just for as sticky beak) and they had one bidder and then 2 vendor bids and that was it - end of auction! $1 Million......Ben said for 1 Mill, it needed a few more features than what it had!

I got home from the coast late in the afternoon and we found out the funeral will be on Friday.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Last day of school for term one

Well school holidays are nearly here........

I needed a day at home today, no racing around, so Dom and I just relaxed and played at home and I answered the phone about 20 times!

I phoned about Dom's swimming and I have to give a month's notice so I have to pay to the end of April and then he can stop during the winter because it's an outdoor pool - it is heated and does have the plastic drop down sides, but it is still too cold. I actually would have liked Dom to finish earlier as he ends up with a cough and runny nose every time he swims but I figured it's only until 18 April as the 25th is Anzac day, so really only 2 more swimming lessons.

I phoned a mortgage broker to see if they can get us a better home loan than what we have now.

I spoke to Ben's mum (twice) and it was nice to catch up as we haven't spoken since we went up to Minden.

I was meant to get the housework done, but just didn't get time or felt like it! I'll have to do it on Sunday.

I took Dom swimming and he's doing really well. The twin girls in his class were there today, and their mum is due to have baby no 3 (a boy) any day - well actually she was hoping by today - but not to be!

I'm so glad I didn't have to worry about going over my due dates with Kenz coming on her due date and Dom arriving 9 days early!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another day of running around

I took Kenz to school and then Dom and I went to the gym. Did a really hard Body Pump class! Then Dom and I went to Big W to get a few things and then we did the grocery shopping. Came home and had some lunch, and then raced out to pick up Kenz and then I took her to her 2 hour tutoring session at Numberworks. McKenzie did really well - I thought she would have really lost her concentration, but she really enjoyed doing the activities and in between each activity they do a game on the computer.

Kenz and I got home at 6.15pm after her tutoring but she was quite cranky and didn't want to eat dinner, so I think the 2 hours was just a bit too much for her!

I'm trying to see if McKenzie gets into the "safety net" at school - which means they do a test and if they're not doing that great, that they get a little bit more help from remedial teachers.

So it would be really good if Kenz can get help for her writing / english and then she'd only have to do 1 hour of tutoring for her maths - and it would work out a lot cheaper for us too!!

I'd like to book Kenz into the Stafford Girl Guides next term, so we'll see how that goes. I spoke to the group leader and she seemed really nice and the prices are very reasonable!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Middle Ear Infection

The last couple of nights Kenz has been crying out in pain with her ear, so I asked Ben to take her to the drs today - and yes she has a middle ear infection. Her throat was ok and Kenz doesn't have a chest infection which is good as I was worried she may have had infections there as well.

So antibiotics for Kenz!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fools

I can't believe it's April already!!

Just the usual start to the week for Monday to Wednesday.

We've noticed there's a few houses for sale in the next street us and they're ranging from $799 - $900,000+ - which is just incredible. If they go for that much, then it's a good sign for our house!!

I'd still like to move out to Samford (but maybe not so much after how cold it was Saturday night - ha ha). It would be nice to have a bigger block of land where the kids can run around and ride bikes and a pool would be nice too! Oh well, we can dream.

McKenzie's teacher has been sending home activity books for Kenz to practice her writing which is great!