Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crazy Dom

I don't know what Dom's problem was today, but boy he was just crazy!!! Even Ben was surprised he carried on the way he did - very cheeky, back chatting and not his usual self. I'm starting to think it's some food that he has eaten - so I'll have to look into that!! He even woke up at 5.30am (which when you go to bed after a few drinks at 11.30pm the night before - is way to early!) and Kenz even woke up after she went to bed at 11pm!!! I couldn't believe it...

So anyway we just had a quiet day at home, I bought some display boxes 30cm and 30cm for McKenzie's room (tried to get drawers to fit them but couldn't get any) but anyway Kenz was happy, and I might get a few more for her room....

I tried getting a photo of the purple plastic bucket that I bought for Kenzie's room and this is what Dom did (Kenz was having an afternoon snooze - no wonder!)..

I'm also doing my "Photo a day" so I took these of Missy and the Frangipani's in the backyard - it's sort of hard getting photos when you don't go anywhere...will be interesting to see what I can do the 3 days I go to work!!

Friday, January 30, 2009


Dropped Kenz off at school today, spent some time with Dommy, had Lou from Tails and Whiskers come around and Hydrobath Oscar, then took Dommy swimming before picking up Kenzie. I took these photos of Dom, cleaning his teeth with McKenzie's toothbrush and his!! Then he got all camera shy...

McKenzie won an award at Assembly today - for Outstanding Effort at Story Writing which is fantastic for McKenzie, because she's not really that "big" on writing or story a brilliaint start to her first week at school!!

Then we drove down to Runcorn (of all places) to drop Ben's car off to get a couple of things done to it. We decided to take the kids to McDonalds for dinner and whilst there, we got a call from Trudy and Dean (who we saw last night) and they said they had heaps of food and wine left over and wanted to know if they could drop around and share it with us. Todd and Alyda also came over and we all had another great night of eating and drinking on the back deck. Kenz even stayed up to 11pm!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Modelling Oscar

Back to my usual busy Thursdays!

We dropped Dom off at child care, dropped Kenz off at school, then I went to the gym to do the Body Pump class (and felt it big time), then went shopping at the new Aldi's at Albany Creek and a quick stop at Coles. Came home, unpacked, had lunch and then took some photos of Oscar. He's a good model because he just likes lounging around - haha...

Then I picked up Kenz from school and got her ready for her Numbereworks tutoring at Ashgrove. Ben picked up Dom from child care. We got home at 6pm, where I quickly got ready before going to Studio Con Brio (Trudy and Dean's studio) for the AIPP On the Lounge session. It was great, and we got home about 10.15pm and the babysitter went home. Actually Sammy the babysitter was pretty good, so we'll be booking her again.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grade 3

This morning I took Dom to child care and then came back home and Ben and I walked McKenzie up to school for the start of grade 3. We went up to her classroom and met Miss Taylor (who was lovely). I think Kenz is going to enjoy grade 3 this year.

When I got home in the afternoon I asked Kenz how school was, and she said her teacher was nice, she didn't even yell at her once - which is a good start!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Dommy starts his new child care today

I took Dominic to his new child care centre today, and he was pretty good (I must admit I did bribe him a little bit with some Mentos) but at least he was happy.

I found out he slept for 3 hours - so he must have been so tired from the long weekend.

Kenz had her last day of her holidays at home with Ben, well Ben was still working but Kenz was happy to entertain herself upstairs and race around with Ben.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Spider Boy and Blue Eyes

Mum's Birthday & Australia Day

Today was Mum's birthday, so we gave her a call to wish her a Happy Birthday.

We spent most of the morning at home (besides me grocery shopping for food for school) and then we went over to Tania and Paul's place to finally meet their new baby boy, Rowan.

Of course I took some photos...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Photos from Tresona & Aaron's wedding

Even though I managed to stuff this photo, I really like it!!

Tracey's Birthday

This morning we phoned Tracey in Melbourne to wish her a very happy 44th birthday. It was great to have a chat for a while with her.

After lunch we went up to Minden to see Ben's parents. We spent 2 lovely hours with them and then had to race off to Tresona and Aarons' Australia Day celebration at the Glamorganvale Hall - little did most friends and family know that it was a "wedding" for the both of them. They actually got married in Melbourne on the 20th December, but reaffirmed their wedding vows in front of family and friends.

I took some photos for them but I'm a bit disappointed with them. I might post a few, we'll see how they go.

Got home about 8pm (as it was an hours drive away) and pretty much put the kids to bed and watched the tennis.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mum's Birthday Party

This morning I just did the housework and washing - nothing exciting.

In the afternoon we went down the Coast for Mum's birthday party (we would have missed it if we were away camping) but of course the weather was perfect and stinking hot today, but it's meant to rain again.

So we got to the coast in the afternoon and then had a lovely time at Mum and Dad's place with family and friends and we got home about 10.30pm - the kids were still awake! They were asleep by 10.45pm though.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

We're NOT camping!!

Well it was decided this morning that we won't be going camping - and we're all so disappointed about it! Why does it always rain when we want to go away!

Gympie forecast

Few showers

It's like 32 degrees, hot and muggy but it's meant to rain (which it has around 4.30pm)!!

I took Kenz to Numberworks today for her English session and she seemed to enjoy it and didn't have any problems with it.

I went and bought 2 little suitcases for the kids and I'm going to keep camping clothes in the suitcases at all times, so if we ever decide (spur of the moment) to go camping, everything will be packed - obviously depends on seasons though...

We told Kenz and Dom that we will take them to Underworld tomorrow..and I'll take Dom swimming and I'll go to the gym tomorrow night.

Saturday we will go down the coast for my Mum's birthday party and possibly Minden to see Ben's parents on Sunday and I'll go to Tresona's Australia Day party Sunday afternoon...

Just so disappointing about camping, but like I said at least it has rained at 4.30pm, so it's not all in vain...

It's also Bronny's birthday today so we hope she has a lovely day, Ben called her whilst she was at work and the kids and I will talk to her tonight..

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Ten Pin Bowling

Today McKenzie was MEANT to go to Underwater World with vacation care, but when Ben took her there, they told him it wasn't viable to go there!

Ben wasn't impressed and so were some other parents!

We had to book the January session at least 4 weeks in advance and some people even specifically choose a certain day depending on the activities, so they should have known ages ago that they weren't going. And last week they did the same thing, they cancelled Science Centre (because it was apparently double booked) and the kids just stayed at vacation care again...

Anyway at least this time they took the kids to Ten Pin Bowling, which Kenz enjoyed.

I took the kids grocery shopping with me tonight - I hate taking both of them and of course Dom had to go to the toilet again - which means leaving a trolley full of shopping and walking out and using the public toilets!!

I got all the camping food.

only thing is we're starting to have second thoughts about going camping now as the weather forecasts for up near Gympie isn't look very good at all - I don't know what it is,but every time we mention we're going camping it rains!!!

We are meant to leave tomorrow, so we'll have to see what the weather is like tomorrow morning....

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Kenz went to Numberworks for her 2 hours maths session today and did pretty well. I hope this sort of gets her into "school mode" by attending.

We met the new babysitter, Samantha (Sammy) and she was pretty good and the kids were happy with her. She'll be coming to mind the kids next Thursday night.

I packed all our clothes for camping tonight.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Geez the Mondays seem to come around fast and I can't believe we're half way through January!!

Back to work again, and I was a bit busier today...

Kenz went to vacation care in the morning and then Ben too her to Numberworks for her maths assessment since she is doing the summer program this week - just 2 hours for 2 days this week.

Dom was at child care again - and it's his last week there this week (thank goodness).

Ben and I were asked to Kelly Munce's new studio opening in Newcastle but since I'm going to Melbourne for a week in March, I think we would be pushing it to have someone come mind the kids on a Tuesday and Wednesday at the end of March - so I had to just book Ben flights - which I'm spewing about since Kel and I are like twins (long story).....

We also booked tickets to go to Trudy's Studio for next Thursday, so that should be fun!!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I've booked my FIRST Wedding

I'm so excited as I have booked my first wedding (for myself). The Bride is my sister's boss and her wedding is on the 26th of April. I can't wait!!! I just need to shoot some more weddings before then (even just as an assistant).

This morning we went to Troy and Pam's place for breakfast, so it was lovely to catch up with them - it was all planned last minute thing - and it was great.

We were there until lunch time and then we came home and pulled out the camper trailer to see what we needed to get etc for camping next weekend....

We can't wait to go away, and I've planned the menu - we've even got lamb shanks in red wine to cook in the camp oven and we might even make damper for Australia day!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Visiting Angela

We visited Angela, Marc, Dallas & Lexie today. The kids had a great time running around with Dallas & Lexie and swimming in their pool...

we got home around about 4.30pm so we made a day of it!!

Ben had another wedding today - so it was his 3rd this month already - which is normally unheard of for January!!

We've decided to go to Island Reach for camping over the Australia Day Long weekend....

I think I spent about 2 hours with starting to cover McKenzie's school books. We put pretty paper or brown paper on the books, Kenzie stuck pictures of animals on it and I put her name labels on it, and then contacted the books. What an effort!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another busy day

Kenz is ok today, not eating a lot and nothing of sustanance...but at least she's not feeling sick today.

We visited Liz and the kids this morning, dropped books off at the library, went to Pickering Street (Dominic is going back to his old child care) - everyone was so happy to see Dom there - must still be at least 6 or more girls that I know of still working there. Dom's teacher is Belinda and Lisa - Belinda was his toddler teacher so that's good and Lisa was there last time too. Even Renae who had him in her baby room was there and thought he was just hopefully all good.

I need to get some sticker labels for Kenzie's books..

It's stinking hot today.

Dom did ok at swimming and was with the 2 naughty brothers who are finishing up at the end of this month - yeah!!

Ben has had constant appointments today (and hasn't done any actual work - designing albums) but he's coming upstairs at 5pm and then I'm leaving for the gym! Pilates starts at 5.30pm.

I've got a quiche in the oven, so something easy for Ben and he won't have to worry about cooking something. Dom has fallen asleep..

It would have been Pa's birthday today so I hope Nanna is ok as it's his first birthday that he hasn't been here.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What A Day!!

Today I have been dragging kids around the gym (yes I finally made it to do some cardio), making extra toilet stops for Dommy, went to the vets to get Oscar's worming tablets, to the school book store (it cost me $157 for all of Kenzie's books etc), then to Brookside, where Dommy must have went to the toilet 4 times, Kenz did a free paint a calico bag and got all upset because the paint has run and she also managed to throw up in Brookside - then Dom stayed in the play area and apparently they called me 3 times over the loud speaker (which I never heard) because Dom was screaming his head off because he wanted him mummy and then chucked a tanty because he wanted to paint a bag like McKenzie had and he also wanted a chocolate milkshake, which I couldn't stop to get as Kenz was still feeling sick.

I did manage to get Kenz two sets of uniforms (her day and sports) and that was it as she was going to be sick again...

This all took me 5 hours today.

Wish I was at work - at least it's quiet, no tantrums and no throwing up!

But I did manage to buy myself 2 gym outfits and two sets of PJ's with my $50 Voucher...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Monday - Wednesday

Back to work again and another 3 quiet days. I just feel like I'm wasting so much time when I'm at work and there isn't any work. I could be helping Ben out, I could be doing my photography or even actually just spending time with the kids!!

Last year we had a tv show come to our house and video Kenz and a couple of her friends doing a play doh show and I actually found out today that it's finally going to air - now I just need someone to record it for me!!

The Puzzle Play episode 'Island' is going to air on 23 February at 8.30 am on Channel 10. Please thank your child for participating in the show.
Network Ten
Sir Samuel Griffith Drive , Mount Coot-tha QLD 4066 , Australia

McKenzie went to vacation care the 3 days this week and Dominic went to child care again. Ben has been so busy with his photography, he's been having appointments and enquiries coming out of his ears, which is great, but I just feel like I should be doing more to help out...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Brisbane Wheel - South Bank

A lady came today about buying my Peugeot - she's also looking out the 2008 runout Peugeots and another one at Manly - so who knows if she'll buy it or not - I'm hoping not.

There was a group of us getting together today to organise our 20 year high school reunion..

Would you believe when I got to Greystone Bar at South Brisbane that no one turned up! I was so pissed off - I waited 45 minutes and no one showed. Found out that the organiser went to Stone Bar across the road to where we were MEANT to go - Greystone Bar where I was!!!

So we left (Ben was looking after the kids), met Pam who has her Impressionable Kids stall at the markets (she said she'd be there), had some lunch (expensive) and then went on the Brisbane Wheel (more expensive) but the kids liked it....must have cost us $100 to spend 3 hours at Southbank!!

Vital statistics

Each wheel boasts the following impressive specification:

  • 60 meters high
  • 365 tonnes, fully self supporting
  • 42 capsules seating up to 6 Adults and 2 kids each
  • Fully enclosed, modern, air-conditioned and heated capsules
  • A true 360 degree panoramic view of the surrounding area
  • Graceful and awe inspiring design
  • Almost completely silent operation
  • High standards and professional operation

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Since Thursdays I've been having migrains, and I couldn't make it to the gym last night (I wanted to try a pilates class).

Ben has a wedding and I have had the kids all day (and my migraine) and the kids are driving me nuts!!! I tried to sleep for 1 and a half hours and just left the kids to their own devices...Kenz won't do anything I ask her until I threaten to smack her and yell at her, so she's being impossible.

Dominic wet himself 3 times today (he has never done that before) so I'm really disappointed with him - why today when I have a migraine? He's just being lazy and has refused to eat dinner and now wants milk...

so I am totally OVER the kids at the moment!!

I'm looking for a double bed, to do up the spare room downstairs - so when my parents and whoever else comes to mind the kids whilst I'm in Melbourne and Ben is in Rocky can sleep somewhere! I can get a bed from Ikea for $200 and I'll just need to find a mattress.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Catch up with Stella

This morning we caught up with Stella and her kids at Lollipops Indoor play centre. Dom refused to take his shoes off (as they run around in socks) but after I finally got some food into him, he was happy to run around with the other kids....

The kids then helped Ben wash his car..

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Kenz came home today

Mum and Dad dropped Kenz home today and it was great to have her home - only thing is after about 10 minutes we were arguing and yelling at each other again!

Anyway we weren't home long before we were off to Breathing Space Cafe to meet up with an old high school friend of mine - Nicky and her little boy Brady - Nicky is pregnant and due in a few weeks, so it was good to catch up with her - it's been ages since I've seen her.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Audi TT

Not much to post for Tuesday and Wednesday so I'm combining them.

Work is pretty much dead, hardly anyone back from holidays, and home is even quieter. Dom is starting to miss Kenz and he's mucking up a bit but that's because I think he's a bit bored and lost without Kenz telling him what to do!!

But Ben did buy a new car (he's crazy) - he found this black Audi TT couple and he just had to have it so he went out and bought it today!! Looks like I'll be selling my Peugeot (which I'm not overly happy about)..

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to work :o(

Here's some photos I took of the kids at Mum and Dad's place yesterday.....

I can't believe I have to go back to work again - doesn't even feel like I've been away from the place.

Dom was also back at child care today.


Work was so quiet today that I was looking for holidays in Fiji as we're thinking of going there for Christmas this year...they have some pretty good deals on!

The house is very quiet without McKenzie here.

She phoned tonight and Mum took her shopping for some new joggers today, so Kenz was happy about that!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

McKenzie is staying down the coast..

Today Dom and I came home and McKenzie is staying down at Nanna and Grandad's place for four nights, so I'm sure Kenz will have a great time. Mum and Dad will do heaps of things to keep her entertained and we'll call her every night.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Steph's new house and a wedding

This morning it was raining a bit when we went to visit Steph, Brad and Sophie at their new place at Bardon - it's a lovely house.

Tresona gave us the good new that she was 15 weeks pregnant too - so that was a lovely surprise and she did really well keeping it a secret for so long too!

Then we drove down the coast to Mum and Dad's place at lunch time as they were going to mind the kids whilst I was at the wedding.

Michaela from Bliss Photography gave me the opportunity to shoot the boys at the Church before the ceremony and that was great - Tyson and his groomsmen were lovely (and amazingly I wasn't nervous)...

Then Michaela arrived and we had a fun afternoon taking photos of Melanie and Tyson and the bridal party.

Here are some photos:-

The last photo is my favourite.

What a lovely couple and thanks again Michaela for letting me tag along and shoot to my heart's content.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2 January 2009

Today we picked Oscar up from Aggie's place and they just loved him - said he was the best dog that they have ever looked after - Santo said he was just happy to follow him around and they even put in their shower and bath because it was so hot!

We took the chance today to pull down all the Christmas decorations too - it was either today or never!! haha...

Ben also got his gear ready for his wedding tomorrow and I've also got a wedding down the coast tomorrow too - pretty excited about that!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Rainbow Beach

On the 27th Jan we we dropped Oscar off at Aunty Aggie's Pet Minding at Stafford - she's a lovely lady and her husband Santo just loved Oscar. So we left happy knowing that Oscar would be in good hands whilst we were away.

We got up to Rainbow Beach with Mike, Kate, Jess, Abbey and another friend Pam and stayed at a lovely big house.

We had a pretty good time, the kids loved playing Jess and Abbey's Wii, we relaxed and rode bikes and Ben went deep see fishing (and threw up), went to the beach, swam in the pool etc etc...

We came home on New Years Day.