Saturday, October 25, 2008

Busy, Busy, Day

Ben left at 7am this morning to drive down to a wedding at Coolangatta. (and it's Indy weekend too).

I decided I'd surprise the kids and take them roller skating at Albany Creek. They had no idea where we were going. Anyway it was all good (except it cost me $31 - they must have charged me an entry fee as well, even though I was told that I couldn't do the learn to skate class with them and I said I wasn't too sure how Dominic would react to that!

Anyway we got them their skates and they started off practicing on the carpet. Dom actually has pretty good balance - and I think this is about the 4th time Kenz has skated. The learners class went for an hour but Dom had had enough after 30 minutes (which was fair enough). Then they said Kenz could go up to the next level class, so that was good.

After the 1 hour class they could go for a "free" skate - or skate with the general public. Kenz only skated for about half an hour because she didn't want to skate by herself.

I think I might take them ice skating next time (well maybe just Kenz) as it's only $5 for a 30 minute class and that includes the skate hire.

Then we went to Brookside and I bought some white dressy shoes for Kenz to wear to the wedding and some pink earrings (Kate had brought over Jessica's pink flower girl dress yesterday) - so Kenz is pretty much ready, I just need to find a hairdresser down at Burleigh Heads.

We came home for a couple of hours (I was hoping they would be tired and have a rest but not these little energiser bunnies!).

Then at 5pm we went to Dominic's child care centre to his Disco (disco for the kids) and Cheese, Wine and Artwork night for the adults. there must have been about 100 people there - so I think it was a few more than what they had expected.

Dom has a great painting on canvas - the little sign said - the sky is black because it's night time and the fireworks were really noisy -they went bang!

And his panting actually looks like fireworks. I wonder if I can scan it any way???

So we can purchase his print next week for $15.

They also had a sausage sizzle for the kids and the kids had a great time running around.

We got home just after 7pm - about 5 minutes after Ben got home from his coast wedding.

Really exhausted now!!!

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