Thursday, October 16, 2008

Our 9th Wedding Anniversary

Today was our 9th wedding anniversary (and we've been together for 14 years), but I guess it was just like any other Thursday.

Ben went off to his photographers' lunch and I took Kenz to school and then went grocery shopping with Dom.

I bought Ben a Drakkar Noir (aftershave) gift pack - it's his favourite - but of course Ben didn't know I was getting it, so he didn't get me anything - slack I know. And our lovely friends Sandra and Ian made Ben a card to give to me because they knew he wouldn't have gotten one! Thanks guys..

I picked up Kenz and took her to start her Vision Therapy at the Optometrists. It was a 30 minute appointment where they showed McKenzie 3 activities, like reading a book but only reading the 1st and last word of each sentence - so this helps with tracking and keeping her eyes on where she is reading. The 2nd activity was quite tricky and the third she flew through it - she had a page of squares and circles in rows and she had a picture of a square on one hand and a circle on the other and whenever she saw a square she had to tap with the hand that had the square on it, and also say square or circle. By the end of the week she has to be doing it to the beat of the cd they gave us.

So hopefully this will all improve her reading etc...

We had some takeaway Earth and Sea pasta for dinner..

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