Saturday, October 4, 2008

Breathing Space Cafe

Well the neighbours partied until 4am so I didn't sleep very well and then the wonderful children woke us up at 5am - so needless to say I was VERY cranky about not having any sleep.

This morning we caught up with Suzanne, Rachael, Jeff, and the twins at Breathing Space, Indooroopilly. The boys are now 10 months old and growing up very quickly!!

The cafe was good for my 2 as I could pay $2 each and they could play for 2 hours. I think there were only about 3-4 kids at one time in the room - so that's a better ratio than child care!! We were there for nearly 3 hours and the kids even got their faces painted which they thought was great...

I tried to have a snooze in the afternoon when Dom was, but rotten McKenzie kept waking me up every 5 minutes wanting more food to eat! Gggrrrr......

Ben had another wedding, which went a lot better than Fridays wedding (thank goodness!)

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