Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Well if you know me and Ben, you'll know that not much was celebrated on Valentine's Day. Ben doesn't really believe it in, thinks it's all hype - but I was pretty annoyed that he didn't even remember until 12.30pm after he came back from a portrait shoot!! S/o needless to say, i wasn't very happy - especially when he comes home and says "It's Valentine's day today, so what did you get me?" - you can imagine my reply! I even had a card for him, but didn't bother to write in it because I knew he wouldn't have a card for me. Each years gets worse Ben! He did try make up to by buying Thai for dinner, but that was about it.

And of course we didnt' go camping due to the rain (4th trip cancelled now), so we pretty much spent the day at home and all 4 of us had a snooze in the afternoon.

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