Wednesday, February 11, 2009

11th Feb

Work started off quiet today but then poor Stella got sick, so I was busy from 11am until 4.30pm preparing a big brief - so that was good to be busy!

There are meant to be train strikes next week, possibly over 2 days, so my boss said I could take the 2 days as annual leave if I wanted - I'm not sure what to do - would love to, but I dont have any leave up at the moment...

A lady at work, her friends moved to the Yarra Valley 5 weeks ago and they have lost EVERYTHING! Helen was telling me about the stuff that has happened to them, and they were evacuated 50klms away and still can't go back to what is left of their new house.

Helen saw that I still had my Peugeot up for sale on the website at work and asked if I would still be interested in selling it (which I had decided I didn't want to) - only because her friend had a Peugeot 307 as well as she's lost that too. I said if she wanted to buy it, that I would sell it to her - I'd be happy to do that for someone who has lost everything!!!

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