Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tell my why I don't like Thursdays....

I'll tell you why, because I rush around like a crazy woman!!

Kenz has to be at school at 8am for choir, so I drop her off, and then drop Dom off.

Come home, tidied up the house, before the house cleaners came, Ben got home from his breakfast meet, then I went down to McKenzie's swimming and then Ben and I went out to Closeburn (out past Samford) to catch up with a group of photographers for lunch..

The lunch was good as I met a photographer Steven and his wife Debbie (I've met him before) but Debbie was really interested in me because I said I was starting up - said I was looking for Budget weddings for now - and they've just moved out of the budget price range, so she said they have lots of enquiries, so they would send them my way. She had a wedding for me already but it's the 26th April when I already have my first wedding booked!!

I took some of these photos out at Closeburn -Stephen's property was sooooo relaxing and I got this new program called Magic Blog It Board, so I've fiddled around with it this morning.....

Then we rushed home for lunch to pick Kenz up at 3pm, raced home, took Kenz to Numberworks at Ashgrove (she got 100% on her test - yay), drove back to child care to pick up Dom and then drove us both back to Ashgrove to pick up Kenz. Then Ben mowed and went to his photog meeting. And the kidds and I had dinner and did all the night time wonder i'm tired!

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