Saturday, November 29, 2008

Where has the time gone!!???

I just don't seem to have time to do my blogs at the moment and now it's nearly 2 weeks later, so I need to try remember and break down what we have been doing!

Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th are normally the same sort of thing, with work, child care, school, and Ben designing albums and seeing clients.

We've been having a lot of rain and storms lately and on Thursday we had to make the decision to NOT go camping with Craig and Liz, as it just wasn't going to be worth going in the rain and wind - so we were very disappointed in having to miss out on camping for the 2nd time this year!!

So Thursday I just raced around getting Christmas presents, grocery shopping, taking Dominic to swimming - I changed him to the Thursdays and he likes this class so much better without the naughty boys in his class. Then I took Kenz to her last Vision Therapy session - and I need to make an appointment soon for her to have her eyes tested to see if there has been an improvements.

Friday I cannot remember what we did, but I know the weather was fine, so we were really peeved. We did have a shower in the afternoon though. It was also windy.

Saturday Ben had a wedding and we had a storm in the afternoon (but Ben didn't get the storm at Ocean View Winery where the wedding was).

We pretty much stayed home and had a quiet day and the kids stayed up and watched The Polar Express until 10pm!!!

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